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By Michael J. Smith on Saturday October 1, 2011 10:03 PM

Comrade Doug Henwood has disappointed me badly. In connection with the Battle Of The Brooklyn Bridge today, he writes -- on Facebook! --

Can someone explain the thinking behind the Brooklyn Bridge action? I'm hearing "disrupt business as usual," but I don't see how messing up regular folks on a Saturday afternoon does that in a good way. What am I missing?

Comments (30)


Mjs I listened to your Satan assed bull dog at the left gig my off spring took me to

In fact he struck me like the perfect corporate plant
If anyone bothered to plant these days

He was completely negative
I felt he could use one of those old style cop helmets
london's finest still wear
Toon rendering :
A jowly slobbering harmless toothless growling old bull dog
in a bobby's helmet with a big police star on the front of it

what a pip


You mean the URPE thing? Well, what did you expect?

Age. It takes a terrible toll (I originally wrote 'tool', a classic parapraxis). Seeing the kids in the streets has provoked in many of us oldsters, I fear, a kind of counter-Oedipal Cronos-like child-devouring frenzy.

Of course since nobody is all of a piece, there are other impulses at work too. Doug has been all over the lot on this one. But if you go to an URPE conference, you're guaranteed to see him at his worst -- along with everybody else.

"Seeing the kids in the streets has provoked in many of us oldsters, I fear, a kind of counter-Oedipal Cronos-like child-devouring frenzy"

My son has been in the street right here in River Town Oregon, Portland Or, USA. Got penned in by the cops and witnessed some of what you like to call "nightstick work" on those standing with him.

If you are so old and fucked up that you can't dig the anger that drives young men and women into the streets then just give it up already. I don't even know what to say...

I had a little rant to proffer as concerns this here situation. You can read it at my web site. I'm not being nice... but I won't pollute the esteemed proprietors of this site with my angry rant.



Peter Ward:
In fact he struck me like the perfect corporate plant
If anyone bothered to plant these days

Left to his own devices Doug seems to have his head screwed on; but I feel he panders to his LBO-talk crowd--who basically keep him in business--and that's what causes him to come off as a sometimes hack. In my more belligerent moments, perhaps unfairly, I've accused him of being a bet-hedger, splitting the difference between liberal academic and lefty-radical to capitalize on both markets.


Over lapping markets as your accustomed brand range ...eh?

Well that explains the eclectic dithering and such
But it's the peculiarly sardonic hey....Saturn like ....futility that strikes Moi
as the doug out touch

mjs t'wasn't urpe
It was an annual gig at pace college put on by several

Your other salon host
Lou Lou primject was there
dashing between presentations
Recording and of course questioning
Concern whittling a muskrat like gravitas
onto his Boho-kampus-trot countenance

The great soul was part of a three headed panel
with admiral Harvey another but far more sea salted toe dancer
And the ever delightful mark weisbrot
Dean Bakers mister outside


As to urpe and Doug
I can only suggest he learn a little economics

Jounalist types like ugh
no matter how quick their minds might be
At pattern recognition
Simply lack a coherent models to set one against another

We end up with clash of word pictures not a well geared contrivance
Give me the magic logic box anytime
Despite it's wrongheaedness it can be dismantled to good effect
Eclectic chancers
and Lilly pad leapers
Are for those into a very different enterprise
They end up
picking thru the layerings of a private decoupage
A dreamwork made out of news paper cuttings


For comic relief: Read Kristof's ideas for giving the protests some "focus" and imagine his bullet points as chants or on placards. Or imagine them as rallying cries for revolutionaries to hitch hike across country to Wall St....Up next: some standup from Mustache Boy Friedman, no doubt.


And who else is doing anything?

Somehow protesters have to be perfect in order to earn support.

Can someone explain the thinking behind the Brooklyn Bridge action?

Man oh Manischewitz, that's got to be the most gob-smacking dumbassed question about this action that I've ever heard -- and from a supposed progressive, no less.

You'll forgive me for not coming up with a more articulate and "learned" response than Jesus H. Christ, has this guy been living in a goddamn' cave for the past ten years? Wotta fuckin' dope. What a maroon. What a ta-ra-ra-GOON-de-ayy.

Y'know what else is bugging the shit out of me? It's the news that a gaggle of celebrities -- Kanye West, Michael Moore, and Susan Sarandon among others -- have glommed onto this movement, no doubt with the ulterior motive of channeling the movement's energy into supporting the Democrats. I hear that Moore is back aboard the Obummer bandwagon -- drone strikes, extrajudicial assassinations and all -- based solely on that smarmy, bitch-slapping speech he gave to the CBC this week. Fucking fat-assed poseur.

If the folks at OWS had any sense at all, they'd be chasing the goddamn' celebrities off with tire irons and baseball bats. They don't need pop stars and Hollywood big shots to validate their movement; the People themselves, by simply being there, validate their movement. They don't need any goddamn' "star power" to legitimize them.

Bah. Fucking celebrities.

Michael Hureaux Perez:

Yeah, Mike F., dig it. I was irritated at all the fawning over the celebrities who showed up this week also, always a bad sign when the spectaclist crew goes on detail. But maybe the crap this crew is going to go through with the mass arrests will teach. Not everyone who was arrested will have family that can bail them out overnight, those who come through the ordeal at One Police Plaza will maybe pass through this thing a little wiser and notice that the "stars" of the movement rarely do much time in the holding tank, or in court fighting with the shit heads who run the city of New York. It's a brutal way to have to learn but a good many will learn and out of that quantity will maybe come some quality who will adjust methods the next time something like this is attempted. For example, figuring out how to do broader outreach before the action is even taken.

Happy Jack:

Celebs only show up long enough for a photo op. MoveOn is more likely to stick around. To "help", of course.


I read where some Marines (not active duty I assume) are coming to NY to protect protesters from the cops. As a bluegrass singer put it, "the plot sickens"....


....oh, and they're coming in uniform...,

When Dagwood Henwood was a yoot, he joined the Young Americans for Freedom at Yale. He's never lost the characteristic William F. Buckley sneering rhetorical question routine. Can someone explain the cynical thinking behind posing as a hard-boiled "left" Wall Street pundit?

Dagwood Hedwood asked: "What am I missing?"

Standing for something... Anything. Whatever.


Undoubtedly Henwood has a talent (or a weakness) for camouflaging his frequent ambivalence with leading questions. But c'mon, on balance the guy is a decided ally, not an enemy. Has he ever groveled for Dems? Far from it, to the degree he is in the spotlight at all, he has constantly jeopardized it by being relentlessly critical and even rejectionist towards the DP.

The bandwagoning here is pathetic, a bunch of Z-Listers doing dirt to a Y-List celebrity.


Glue has a good point

But then...." ally " ?

In what struggle ?

Is the henster about smbiva type biz?

I thought he fancied a spot on
the pinko wall street watch commission

You know
an info utility
A one man wire service
with a sharp eye for the hi fi guy

That is errr......for the broad left

Al Schumann:

Am I late to the bandwagon? I don't have much to add, save to note that

1) care must be taken lest commentary tend towards the condition of codgerhood.

2) the kids are doing pretty well.


Here's a brit trot idiot

Sez he

We have a conundrum
Too much debt for stimulus to weak for austerity

And he sez this while advocating we lefties learn some economics

Postcapitalist economics in fact whatever that might be

Hopeless peak humanism

As this site all to often demonstrates
There is little substitute for numerate thought
In a economic slump


Dug from ugh

Deserves far worse then we can dish out

But he has his virtual salon
And his acolytes
The Gertrude stein of. Pinko business journalism



The main frame Econ con pwogie shows up....

Stigman and his robin
May have the demand

"Indict the bank robbers and their gubmint accomplices "

That might be a good long view demand for the OWS ers

I like the FBI fraud warning of 04 ...ignored by Greenstain and gentle Ben
And of course el Timmy

Indict em all !!!

It has all the correct
Hoaky fin oaky juicy archetypes in collision

"We don’t tell them what we want because they already know what we want: We want their system to die. Why make demands of the thing you want to destroy? Negotiating only grants legitimacy and continuity." -- Kalle Lasn

I'll second that.



Questions for us macronian opportunists

"Here's a Marxist political economic final exam for Keynesians:

What do Keynesian ideas on abating recession have to teach the Occupy
Wall Street, Chicago, LA, etc movement ? "

"How would inculcating those activists with Keynesian ideas be different from steering them to the Democratic party"

The Democrat party core is perfectly exposed for the multi national-wall street corporate agency it is by any simple demonstration of keynesian principles applied to the present national economy

"How much does government spending abate recession ( quantify it) ? "

Fiscal policy can completely abate a recession

" did the O Stimulus abate recession and unemployment at all ? "

Yes prolly by as much as 3% of the potential American job Force
4.5 million jobs

"Would a Stimulus twice as large saved us from
the current supe-high unemployment rate ? or not ? "

"Three times as large ? "
Would have restored us to full employment
But only so long as that fiscal policy stayed in force

"How precise really is Keynesian science ?"

Not precise at all but it need not be precise we have rfeed back eh?

Too much reduce it too little increase it


I hasten to add it's not all about uncle spending of course
The faster way is. By infusions of cash to households
Thru the transfer system

An ad on of about two trillion dollars in discretionary increases per year
might have turned the trick
Ie a fiscal deficit of around 2.7 trillion after adding in the federal spontaneous deficiit

Goyim Flackington Bridwell IV:

Can someone explain the cynical thinking behind posing as a hard-boiled "left" Wall Street pundit?

Henry Gleitman can.


The timeless Eric Blair:
"The first thing that must strike any outside observer is that Socialism, in its developed form is a theory confined entirely to the middle classes. The typical Socialist is not, as tremulous old ladies imagine, a ferocious-looking working man with greasy overalls and a raucous voice. He is either a youthful snob-Bolshevik who in five years time will quite probably have made a wealthy marriage and been converted to Roman Catholicism; or, still more typically, a prim little man with a white-collar job, usually a secret teetotaller and often with vegetarian leanings, with a history of Nonconformity behind him, and, above all, with a social position which he has no intention of forfeiting. This last type is surprisingly common in Socialist parties of every shade; it has perhaps been taken over en bloc from the old Liberal Party. In addition to this there is the horrible—-the really disquieting—-prevalence of cranks wherever Socialists are gathered together. One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words ‘Socialism’ and ‘Communism’ draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, ‘Nature Cure’ quack, pacifist, and feminist in England."

Al Schumann:

All politics outside the mainstream attracts cranks. All politics, for that matter, attracts cranks. The prim nonconformist snob bolshevik cases start with fruit juice, the gateway beverage, and eventually end their days in degenerate sandal-wearing. It's a tragedy! The only thing worse is the mainstream itself, with its officially approved and socially respectable brand identity products. Better to fall victim to the fruit juice...

Michael Hureaux Perez:

As Isaac Deutscher once said of the timeless Eric Blair, he understood the "how", he never understood the "why", like his protagonist Winston Smith. It was much easier to dismiss everything out of

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