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Don't make Mommy lose her patience

By Michael J. Smith on Thursday October 27, 2011 12:21 PM

The fortunately inimitable NY Times:

Cities Begin Cracking Down on ‘Occupy’ Protests

OAKLAND, Calif. — After weeks of cautiously accepting the teeming round-the-clock protests spawned by Occupy Wall Street, several cities have come to the end of their patience and others appear to be not far behind.

"Patience"! One can only marvel at the puerile banality of this tutelary/parental view of the relationship between the state and its subjects.

Comments (6)

Time to move on from mommy dearest to throw mama from the train.


Sandwich, that's gonna be tough to do in Big Momma's House.


"i'd like to help you kids but i don't get federal money for doing that, i get it for treating you like a fake drug terrorist."

O.K., then can we throw her under the train?


A manager assigns his staff some impossible tasks, to be accomplished within an impossible deadline. The agonized employees fail to reach these goals. The manager frets, sighs, frowns, squirms, fumes, gabbles, blusters; rattles off capitalized, italicized, double-question mark, triple-exclamation point memos; summons workers to long and clammy conferences; prowls the corridors and ravages hapless whisperers; and acts in general like a frenetically talentless diva. After a few days of this queasy bathos have passed, the inevitable tirade before the troops occurs; and it will always include the line "I think I've been more than patient with all of you."


Antonello: Perfect.

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