Levin/McCain Roll Call Vote

By Al Schumann on Monday December 12, 2011 09:38 PM


The votes are for the 2012 war funding bill, with the Levin/McCain indefinite military detention provision, amended to give the White House discretion over US citizens.

Comments (8)


Scrumptious, but the House side needs some formatting...

Al Schumann:

What would be best?

Al Schumann:

Yes, that's the one. I'll swap the govtrack link in.

I sure am glad they amended that bill! Now everyone in America will be safe!

Al Schumann:

The amendment is stroke of genius, for sure. It's what we've come to expect from Sen. Carl Levin (D-Duckfucker). There he was in a situation where even the Pentagon loons thought he'd gone too far. But with his deft gift for compromise, he found a way to keep things on an even keel.


"indefinite military detention provision"

ghosh are the plands here for detentions
up in the scores of thousands ???????

oh well look on the bright side
can that be worse then school detention??
at least there's sex in military prison

i presume we are talking about citizens here right ???

if so
better we citizen hostiles
face the real honest to god military
then a.....mlti national corporation
i hope its not out sourced
to one of Fidelity's wholey owneds
i ran thru one of those a few years back

strictly hi fi sci fi job site totalizing

i sure would loathe and fear
a rendtion to one of those
mixed use parks here
off route 128 !!!!!


coming up next
uncle sam's
charter zek-prisons ???


If only they all had one neck, as Caligula would say.

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