occ's people caucus v orthrian iowa caucus

By Owen Paine on Saturday December 31, 2011 11:56 AM


the occ has to face the ballot boxing ahead
.here's a line :

" We are here to make the caucuses a true representation of democracy..."

and some soaring by another ..on cable tv no less

"We are here tonight to overthrow money-power with people power."

not sure about the timing implied here eh ?? oddly tinker belle ish to me ..
obviously the occ is in no position to "make " anything happen
"caucus "wise or for that matter primary wise either " .. at least not yet

i've noticed this b4 with occ speak
no modulation of the rhetoric
even where there can be a certain silliness in the extent of the claims

self righteous sometimes gets ahead of itself and an " intention " or two
becomes by the power of declamation alone a four square " is "

however i must admit if this mode of oration goes on at length its impact only improves


"...We are here tonight as citizens and patriots to preserve our democracy from the corrupting influence of Wall Street and big corporations. We are here tonight to raise our voices in defense of the American dream. We arehere tonight to restore the American politicalsystem and American society, to make it human-centered, not profit-centered. We are here tonight to follow through on the vision of our founders and the vision of the great American social movements of the past, the movements that ended slavery, gave women the right to vote, ended racial segregation in our communities, established safe working conditions and good wages for hard-working Americans and their families. We are here tonight because our political leaders are no longer able to lead us. Now is the time for us to lead, for the people of the United States, the 99 percent, to rise up, and restore America, to recreate it, truly, as a nation of opportunity, equality, and justice."

and then there's this :

"We are not here to disrupt the caucus....The real disruption is how much money Wall Street
has put into our political system."

yes the disruption has already happened ...
the people choosing their leadership from among themselves
is already disrupted corrupted rendered null and void

this is righteous witnessing for the 99%

testimony for the people's prosecution so to speak
the bassis for a counter nullification

a declaration of the people

"this two party one master farce is utterly bogus from beginning to end "

with that line
the dance has at least and at last begun !!!!

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