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voucher this !!

By Owen Paine on Thursday December 8, 2011 04:23 PM

hey so what's worse voucherizing lower ED or voucherizing health services ???

i know its an easy choice for me

that is once you fully digest the separation of compulsory schoolin' from force fed learnin'

Comments (4)

Al Schumann:

If you want to put direct consumer pressure on education and health service, the basic income is the way to go. if you want to limit what people do with the money, put it on a debit card with a penalty rate for any non-approved spending and a bonus nudge for approved spending, e.g. a dollar spent on child grinding would buy a dollar and ten cents of grinding. A dollar spent sending the little monsters to the movies would pay ninety cents towards their tickets. Etc. So forth.

There's a treasure chest of salutary, exquisitely moral nudges and soft, tender little punishments. Congress could have fist fights over them. Combine the system with random pepper spraying, to keep everyone alert, and you'd have a market system the entire world would drool over.


once again Al the mind electric zaps the nut here

universal managed choice

on the left hand however
it grieves me
to read my hero here
won't roll in one or other
of my nasty contrived hobson's choice
at least long enough to come out
smelling like one version of hell or other

no crap house buridan's ass
i am a dicider by instinct

my teacher comrades forgive me
but i just rolled in a steaming heep
of voucher elimentary ed


ortho-spell your way out of that shankerites !!!!

heap it on
in the end
the alimentary is elementary

Al Schumann:

You did snare me. But when I went to edit my comment I saw your Hobson whistling something from Threepenny Opera and trying to look nonchalant. If I can be forgiven for this horrible stew, I realized I had to grasp the damoclean sword by the thorns and cut the nettlesome gordian knot.

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