confrontation averted....value of OCC role.....did EGT back down ?

By Owen Paine on Friday January 27, 2012 07:06 PM

"In a surprise settlement reached Monday, the Longshore Workers Union (ILWU) and transnational grain exporter EGT announced they’d settled their legal disputes in Longview, Washington.
They are negotiating a contract that will cover ILWU members working at EGT’s new grain terminal there .....The settlement came as the ILWU and members of the Occupy movement separately prepared to confront a grain ship soon approaching the disputed terminal..Occupy groups on the West Coast had lined up hundreds of volunteers....ILWU leaders were keeping mum this week about the shape of the contract they are negotiating in the highly automated Longview terminal. At issue when talks broke down a year ago were pensions, the number of workers to be hired, and overtime pay for work over eight hours per day. EGT proposed to run 12-hour shifts at straight time.."

Comments (6)


Devil's in the details no doubt. But is a suitably cautious Hooray in order?

The settlement came as the ILWU and members of the Occupy movement separately prepared to confront a grain ship soon approaching the disputed terminal..Occupy groups on the West Coast had lined up hundreds of volunteers...

Bah. Pussies. Capitalists are no fun anymore.

The shippers are business men. They began to realize that the costs of strong arming the ILWU were beginning to outrun the benefits. And yes, the occupy folks throwing in with the union definitely helped to convince them of that.

I think it's a victory for the longshoremen, for now.


Thanx drunk p

I hope it can serve as a "point to" for future occ-union co labs

The occ can do much to amp union actions including evade
the legal briar patch contracts entail

Yya ya the IWW had no stinking contracts after they won at Lawrence
But within 18 months the IWW was no where in Lawrence and taking a beating in Patterson

Syndicalists myths are not useful guide lines


IWW victories pre figuredcio victories 20lus years later

But one needs to compare and contrast pre figurationton
To full actualization

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