Electro-convulsive Economics

By Al Schumann on Thursday January 12, 2012 07:50 PM


Dr. Jeffrey Sachs, economist, wants to help Nigeria.

Comments (5)


brilliant Al

sachs is the limit


a look at the man behind the jumper cables


Al Schumann:

I think that was a fair and balanced assessment of Sachs. I can recall, but can't find the link, for a sharp criticism he got from a professor at Wharton, that bastion of leftist agitation, who found his punitive market schemes a guaranteed method of making poverty worse.

"who found his punitive market schemes a guaranteed method of making poverty worse."

Feature or bug?

Al Schumann:

The consistency and efficacy of his methods makes them a feature. He appears to be completely convinced that they're not. His is the science that actively resists and even despises any effort at examining methods in the light of the actually existing outcomes. So there's also room for "bug", but only if it's part of bugfuck.

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