merit class skirts scortched by incorporatist cretin

By Owen Paine on Saturday February 4, 2012 02:23 PM

"Democrats claim America is threatened by the financial elite, who hog society’s resources. But that’s a distraction. The real social gap is between the top 20 percent and the lower 30 percent. The liberal members of the upper tribe latch onto this top 1 percent narrative because it excuses them from the central role they themselves are playing in driving inequality and unfairness. "

okay so this is a monstrous dodge by a point 1% apologist diversionary meat mouth

but there is indeed a coagulation of merit elements into a merit caste
hardening the moblity barriers

doesn't ohbummer's first 4
suggest what a threat to job dork amerika merit caste dictatorship amounts to ....

Comments (4)

Y'know, conventional wisdom says I should actually go to the NYT and actually read the whole article before cracking wise at SMBIVA, but that one juicy little nugget you've quoted here pretty much sums it up for me.

Besides, c'mon... it's David Brooks. 'Nuff said? I'm at the point now where all I need to know is that a column is by David Brooks, and I don't even actually have to read it to know that it's going to suck, that it's going to be a great, steaming load of elitist apologia.

It's kind of like Michael Bay movies. I don't actually have to sit through a whole Michael Bay movie to know that it's going to be a bunch of glitzy CGI, giant toy robots fighting, exploding shit, and no acting. I didn't have to pay ten bucks and lose two hours of my life to find out that Transformers 2 was crap when I could just go to YouTube and watch the trailer: Uh huh... yup... robots fight... shit blowing up... yep, it's crap...

PS: oh, hey, I got your note last night. Thanks a ton, man. I'm very honored.

Though you should really consider punctuation: Yes.



fi on punctuation

punc marks are strictly for
the 1 %...

and those taught by nuns

Well, you pegg'd me with the sisters. But they would've (at least two of the three of 'em) answered, 'No' to the question.

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