" disjoin or die" the inner zone must be destroyed

By Owen Paine on Thursday February 9, 2012 11:49 AM

the lesson for the job classes of the EU

if an EU wide effective transfer system can not be constructed NOW

and doubtless

then the inner zone members those nation states locked into
the one currency euro system
must break apart
restore their national currencies and with that their national economic sovereignty


the erasmus experiment built nothing better then a grotesque frankensteins monster

bright side:

it just may well be possible
to perform an orderly disjunction

reverse the process of the 90's

go back to the snake

first fixed and heroicaly propt by a chastened and opularly controle ECB
and by stages loosen into trading bans
and in time let prepared national systems depart completely

systems that once floating alone without the ECB
won't see their national currency
plunge to hell
or rocket to heaven

chances of this ?

somewhere between
zero and negative infinity

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