when the big established brand parties must unite to save...the establishment from itself

By Owen Paine on Tuesday February 21, 2012 11:59 AM


greece now !!!

"... Greeks expected to register their anger at soaring unemployment and new taxes either by abstaining or by backing formerly marginal parties.

" Opinion polls show combined backing for the Democratic Left, the Greek Communist party (KKE) and Syriza at 42per cent - well ahead of any single establishment party. "

"But the three groups are too deeply divided by ideology and personal rivalries to consider teaming up in acoalition government, "

. well if the left can't form a broad rejectionist front
then the two big parties may just have to continue the de facto alliance
to defend "the system"
that all establishment parties obviously by definition
cherish like mother's milk

Comments (4)

I think it would be just great if a whole pile of irreconcilable parties got elected in Greece. Then people could just say 'screw it,' quit work, and plant a garden - each citizen doing his/her part to subvert the Euro complex.

Mass abstention and/or voting for wacky parties could well help here in the U.S. too. Screw those bastards.

Right now I'm trying to decide between Gumby or Bozo the Clown.

Al Schumann:

The extent of perfectly ordinary life, in conditions of bourgeois democratic political gridlock, might not be testimony to saintliness, but it's definitely testimony to the uselessness and irrelevance of the actually existing establishment. After a while, people only notice it's been missing when there's a tantrum.



"Public Issue, a polling firm, estimates SYRIZA's approval rating at 12 percent, and that of Kouvelis's Democratic Left at 18 percent. The Communist Party of Greece (KKE), the oldest party in the country, stands at 12.5 percent approval. Combining the approval ratings of these three leftist parties would theoretically yield 42.5 percent, enough to form a government, even without PASOK, the socialist governing party of former Prime Minister Georgios Papandreou. Since winning the 2009 election with 43.9 percent of the vote, PASOK has now dropped to an 8-percent approval rating -- one of the biggest declines European election experts have ever seen"

the article outlines the internal divisions among the leftish trio

one wants out of nato and the euro zone

the other two
riven by personal rivalries
want two different shades
of humane compromise
teutonic north europe


"Combining the approval ratings of these three leftist parties would theoretically yield 42.5 percent, enough to form a government, even without PASOK, the socialist governing party of former Prime Minister Georgios Papandreou."

"Since winning the 2009 election with 43.9 percent of the vote, PASOK has now dropped to an 8-percent approval rating -- one of the biggest declines European election experts have ever seen."

cheering thought that !!!

"...the two-party dominance of PASOK and ND, which have divided up the cabinet seats and perks for almost 40 years, is over."

for now ....but .....

the antaeus twins
pasok and nd

like our twins
gop and jack assery

have the great corporate Goddess
mother market earth
behind them

once thrown to the ground they may ....

strangle em in the air

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