lugar now prolly too old for lobby work ...just a pile of useless guts to lug off stage

By Owen Paine on Wednesday May 9, 2012 12:29 PM

earlier this eventuallity was considered

with all do ceremony and gravity

and noooow it is !

another old GOP statesman gets butchered

one must expect
it'll be
wild gentleman boners all the way down
over this
at elephant house


the new GOP
"too rabid to rule " ?

christ i can't wait to hear the bray from the jack ass party tethered pwogs

Comments (5)


"those teabag nutters have stamped their feet and she obamas agenda down."
But then,
"hah, by primarying their own party those teabaggers put safe seats in play and hurt their own cause."
Both actual(though paraphrased) quotes from a buddy.

I won't claim to be above occasional cognitive dissonance myself, but that seems like doozie.

"hah, by primarying their own party those teabaggers put safe seats* in play and hurt their own cause."

Huh, how could they do that? The Teabaggers warned the GOP that there's be some ass kicked if they didn't move far enough to the right, and I'll be damned if some old-line GOP asses didn't end up with some deep footprints. Looks to me like they're helping their cause, if you ask me; they're edging toward a position where they can finally start getting what they want.

This buddy of Leon's is basically using the same lame argument that establishment Liberal/Dem types use to suppress electoral challenges from the Left -- and, sadly, entirely missing the bone-crushing irony of what he's saying.

I wouldn't be surprised if the aforementioned buddy were actually insanely jealous of the Teabaggers because there's nobody in the allegedly "Progressive" wing of the Donkeycrats with the cajones to mount these same sort of fearless, banzai primary challenges against geezing Donkeycratic incumbents regardless of any perceived "damage" to their cause -- or, as I like to call them, "political suicide bombers".


*Did I ever mention that whenever I hear Pwogs whining about electoral challenges to the Dems from the Left endangering "safe seats" or "safe states", I want to knee them in the groin? (the Pwogs, that is)


might the corporate types here
"allow" this running amock

given the jack ass core is so well in hand ?

Hey, guys; I hope this isn't too off-topic, but I thought it worth mentioning as long as we're discussing Dick Lugar. Below is my reply to a post on "Mock, Paper, Scissors" here:
...about the recent action by Senate Republicans -- including Dick Lugar, the subject of this post -- to allow federal college loan interest rates to double by July 1, in which the Blogger-in-Chief, who goes by the name of "Tengrain", uses it as a platform to launch into another rant about how voting is important, really, honestly it is:

...Is anyone still saying that voting doesn’t matter? Your absence allows the trogs and waterheads to do stuff like this. Policy has consequences, so even if you dislike the players, you need to participate if for no other reason than to keep stuff like this from happening. Again.

Pretty goddamn' precious, huh? Sorry if I made anybody shoot beer out of their noses just then.

This was my reply, included here because I fully expect Tengrain to delete my comment owing to it belting out too many straight, raw truths:


Tengrain sez:
Your absence allows the trogs and waterheads to do stuff like this…

Bzzzzzzzt. No. the Democratic Party allows the trogs and waterheads to do stuff like this.

Policy has consequences, so even if you dislike the players, you need to participate if for no other reason than to keep stuff like this from happening. Again.

Y’know, I really hate hearing Liberals and Pwogwessives telling me how I need or have to participate in a fraudulent, corporate cash-soaked freak circus where all the important decisions have already been made, and my role in the process is to validate the whole sick-ass mess with my vote, and then return home and resume watching Top Chef while waiting for a bunch of gutless Liberal hacks led by an opportunist Wall Street stooge to fight my struggle for me, until the next “election” rolls around, and it’s time to Rinse And Repeat.

The elections aren’t free here. They aren’t even real elections, they’re goddamn’ Soviet elections. They’re a sinkhole that sucks down time and energy and gives back nothing. Any real change is going to come from people who have the courage to agitate outside a bankrupt, useless process, and who organize to take action on their own behalf without waiting for marching orders from politicians. When you vote in a US election, you willingly surrender your power.

George Carlin had it right. People who vote don’t have any right to tell those of us who don’t that we don’t have a right to complain, because guess who helped put the motherfuckers in office?

-------------- -30- -----------------


My Donk friends are already shaking their heads in deep grief over the exit of a 'reasonable Reublican'. Really, the inmates are running the asylum, aren't they?

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