chief justice Roberts: agent of monopoly capital

By Owen Paine on Thursday June 28, 2012 12:33 PM

relax its just a tax brothers and sisters

Comments (5)


IOZ says all the libs are going on a man date.


Ummmm they didn't expand the commerce clause and Roberts broke towards the dem position. That's weird.

Methinks Roberts has an eye on sentace or two his court will get in the history books, and fears "Republican shills" showing up.

Buying supreme court justices seems impractical.

Buying supreme court justices seems impractical.
Not to mention unnecessary; they're always devoted corporate stooges long before their honorable butts land on the bench. Or they wouldn't land there.

Devoted party stooges.*

But if you call that a distinction without a difference I wouldn't talk myself blue arguing the point.



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