Blesser of two Weevils

By Al Schumann on Friday August 17, 2012 11:14 PM

The Church of St. Dichotomy is preparing for the quadrennial celebration of its first congregation's horrific yet blesséd martyrdom. According to the familiar legend, St. Dichotomy appeared before them, leading two giant weevils, and offered them a choice. "Pick one," he said, "and I will bless it for you."

To make this section of long story short, they picked the wrong weevil. St. Dichotomy blessed it anyway. Once it had eaten its fill, he urged them to examine their individual opportunities and moral character and on that basis determine which weevil was most entitled to eat them. There was some muttering about seriously fucked up choices, but the saint pointed out that one of the weevils had yet to be fed. That led to even more muttering. Threats were made, but the cops showed up with pepper spray and an aura of sanctity was restored.

Kasama has the modern debate.

Comments (9)


Perfectly put.

(Missed you, you vile stalinist! though do hope you had some good rest from the tubez).

(And what an ugly event at the [Royal(1.)] Lonmin PLC Platinum Mine in South Africa ( kasmana’s post prior). The death toll from the 16th is now being noted at 34 miners (with no ‘fire power’), zero police casualties.

1.) per wiki: Lonmin PLC ... was incorporated in the United Kingdom on 13 May 1909 as the London and Rhodesian Mining and Land Company Limited.)

" Threats were made, but the cops showed up with pepper spray and an aura of sanctity was restored."

Well, as long as the aura of sanctity is, um, kept sanct?... then all is well that ends well, no?

Weevils gotta eat too ya know.

Al Schumann:

Absolutely. The care and feeding of giant anthropophagic monsters is a very holy affair. The benediction of pepper spray helps straying parishioners remember their place in the food chain.

Al Schumann:

Diane, vile Stalinism is a calling, which fortunately allows its adherent to take sabbaticals.


I have sworn of weevil chasing
No that I don't have my personal motives

The great white weevil
After all chewed off my uncle Nolo's index finger

but a step back suggests the retorting question
"Can you blame it ?"

What with it up the GWW's tail pipe and all

"it seemed to like it first "
Unc still

Followd usually by this oddly delighted addition

"shit ..didn't know giant weevils can eat from both ends "


Vile profanity Diane has it's toll booths

Al The pocket faust from the catskills as he is
was trying to raise the. Loathsome spirit of sourly not missed
Departed brother JS Paine

He was caught pink handed so to speak
By the estimable revenge artist

June jones libertine manhunter

Yup a week in the virtual brig

"no incantations no spells no reading the blog posts of sandwitchman
Or Seymour trotter
or lill lulu either"


Freedom road is what lay ahead of me if I hadn't fallen into
a pip
Of a van winkle slumber at the dawn of Reaganism
Took two elosions in succession
to awaken me
One commercial and ideolectical

the second a grand cliche event at the tip of manhattan

Their position on the '12 prez race
I must say seems more benign then
the Kasama- ite framer leads one to expect
It's the Chomsky take isn't it
Battle ground states
And it's a moments vote not a "working for "gig

But who's counting eh?

I note the reality of a lesser evil is nicely challenged
By Al's cautionary tale

What if the greater evil must be fed
What if it can only be postponed
What if the lesser makes the space for the greater
Etc etc

I tend to see a symbiosis
A vital symbiosis in fact
As father suggests in his founding text
They require each other
Lop off one head and the other dies

Errr that is unless orthrus grows a third head
Rendering one of the old heads not only redundant
But by necessity bound for the chopping. Block


The well named democratic wing of the Democrat party
The decent folks are pushed into their more then just a battleground state pouts confirmation rubber stamping
By a fear of yahoo capitalism and guns blazing cowboy
third world bronco busting

Now we have meat to chew
It is really a task to prove even looked at away from the symbiosis
That an o'barry admin in 08 was a better even short run outcome

After all large pieces of the pwog puzzle went into
stay inside the sand box
neutral gear after '08

really until ...prolly the uprisings of '11

In the light of this reality
one sees out of the sand box opportunity
only in a national equivalent of Wisconsin 2011
In Amerika 2013

Al Schumann:

Wisconsin does look like the national model for 2013—this stage right now is comparable to the Wisconsin disaster that came from opposing a anti-labor corporate stooge with another anti-labor corporate stooge.

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