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Dershowitz smears Kennedy

By Michael J. Smith on Monday February 27, 2006 04:03 PM

In his eagerness to defend disgraced ex-Clintonite Lawrence Summers, the inimitable Alan Dershowitz has libeled Ted Kennedy, according to AP:
Law professor Alan Dershowitz has argued Summers was done in by a core group of faculty angered over his support for the military, Israel, and for his comments on women in science - the last of which he apologized for repeatedly.

"I'm clearly in the left 20 percent of the country, nationally. I'm a Ted Kennedy liberal," Dershowitz said. "In the [Harvard] Faculty of Arts and Sciences, I'm in the 10 percent side of the conservatives."

Are you going to take this lying down, Ted?

Comments (2)


Jesus H. Christ! Alan "let's go torture some A-rabs and make it legal" Dershowitz thinks he's a leftist?

Awesome blog by the way. Or at least in theory; I just found it by way of one of the comments on Liberal Avenger, and haven't really read any of it yet except the top post. So, um, reading time. I'll likely be posting about it, because killing the DP is clearly a goal worthy of support.

J. Alva Scruggs:

The Dersh is following a familiar Dem tactic, and a liberal tactic too, for that matter. He's playing a little ideological triangulation to make the people to whom he is routinely offensive appear ideologically hidebound and extreme. But this has nothing to do with any political philosophy. It's a tactical maneuver to protect his career. That plagiarism scandal means he needs all the well-connected support he can get. The torture warrant proposal is probably hard to live down amongst people who rip arguments to shreds for a living. He's always been a suck up, kick down celebrity liberal and I doubt that's won him many faithful friends. If he can drag that wheezing grampus Kennedy in with him, there's a bit more cover. It's pathetic.

Harvard, not exactly a place known for hostility to big swinging dicks, is too hot for him and Larry Summers both. They're paying the price for their bullying, big man on campus ways. Oh, the martyrdom!

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