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Rahm's Rangers in Texas

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday March 8, 2006 01:08 PM

( A bulletin from Alan Smithee)

As you're no doubt already aware, the first of the bi-annual ballot box stuffings we call 'primaries' has concluded in Texas. Since The Yee-Haw State is also the state with the most candidates from Rahm Emanuel's Sockpuppet Army, (nine out of 66) it's been of particular interest to me. The results:

  • Duane Shaw (TX-01) - LOST PRIMARY
  • Dan Dodd (TX-03) - NO CHALLANGER
  • Charlie Thompson (TX-05) - NO CHALLANGER
  • David Harris (TX-06) - NO CHALLANGER
  • David Murff (TX-07) - LOST PRIMARY
  • Ted Ankrum (TX-10) - PRIMARY RUNOFF
  • Roger Wuan (TX-13) - NO CHALLANGER
  • John Courage (TX-21) - NO CHALLANGER
  • Rick Bola??os (TX-23) - NO CHALLANGER
Of the nine Rahmpuppets, as you can see above, only three had challangers. And of those three, two Rahmpuppets lost outright to the homegrown candidate and a third was so close (Ted Ankrum 36.75% / Paul Foreman - 35.83%) that a costly runoff will have to take place next month.

One might be tempted to think that the local populace's rejection of Rahm's Sockpuppets, like a body rejecting an incompatable kidney, is bad news for Dr. Rahm. Au Contraire!

Near as I can tell, the TX "fighting dem" contingent are mere second stringers, johnny-come-latelies to the Sockpuppet Army, with little real DCCC support. The real primary test is coming up in a couple of weeks, when two of Rahm's Prowar Pets, Tammy "Lots of Local Support!" Duckworth (IL-06) and John "War Salesman" Laesch (IL-14) will be up against homegrown antiwar primary challangers. (A third, Dick Auman (IL-16), has no challanger.)

What does the future hold for Rahm's Rangers? Who will survive? Who will bite the dust? Stay Tuned!

Comments (1)

js paine:

don't miss the big one
cd 28

the infamous putz
hank cuellar hacked up
kos fave rave
rod the repeller

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