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Paging Mr. Burr

By Owen Paine on Tuesday April 11, 2006 02:58 PM

Speaking of Bobby Rubin -- seems the polished Big Appler is now the proud figurehead and unclouded champion of a think nook calling itself the Hamilton Project.

Pretty wonderful, huh? Since that sad day in Weehawken that name has stood for everything brightly hideous, well-heeled, and smoothly crooked in our country. Now donk bond wizard "Princeton Bob" Rubin has it over the door of his meme shop.

Marvel of marvels -- truth in labeling, for once. If my stomach can stand it I will soon have more tales to tell about this house of horrors.

Comments (1)

J. Alva Scruggs:

Isn't it special? They got that commie, Barack Obama, to come speak at their opening hootenanny . He must have forgotten his commitment to socialist revolution because he wound up praising them for "transcending tired ideologies".

The similarities between the Demnocratic Party and a stumbling corporate behemoth trying to revive a marketing program that coincided with a success make for fat targets.

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