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Dems help roll a bitter bill (as usual)

By Michael J. Smith on Thursday September 28, 2006 01:11 PM

From J Alva Scruggs:
(CNSNews.com) - Americans will hear a lot about "donut holes" in the days ahead, but it has nothing to do with the nation's obesity "epidemic."

Democrats and some liberal interest groups are furious that the government's new prescription-drug entitlement program forces some senior and disabled citizens to pay the full tab for their own prescription drugs -- beyond a certain dollar amount. They argue that the cost of prescription drugs is still too high."

Story link: http://tinyurl.com/rgxnl

Here's the House vote, with just enough Democrats to make sure it passed, when it could have been defeated.


And the Senate vote, with -- yes! -- once again enough Democratic votes to tip the scales.


This pattern repeats itself over and over. Greedy corporate welfare queens roll out the big perception management guns, get a few shills on board -- AARP, in this case -- and the Democrats provide just enough votes to make sure the very worst things happen. Afterwards, the Democrats who cost everyone so much time, energy and money are welcomed back into the fold, just like nothing happened. Then a bunch of hopefuls run against something that was preventable in the first place.

What makes this particular issue so awful is the predatory use of our elderly brothers and sisters and the clear prior knowledge that this was a terrible thing to do. Several states were forced to delcare emergencies to cover the havoc created by this legislation.

"About 20 states, including California, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania and all of New England, have announced that they will help low-income people by paying drug claims that should have been paid by the federal Medicare program.

"The new federal program is too complicated for many people to understand, and the implementation of the new program by the federal government has been awful," said Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, a Republican. On Saturday, he signed an emergency executive order making the state a "payer of last resort" for the out-of-pocket drug costs."

Story link: http://tinyurl.com/mtlpm

Comments (5)

js paine:

roll logs roll

corporate welfare
is bipartisan

the strategy of the donk orthrian core
as we mention even to our own fatigue

is clear as a waterford goblet

"be of assistance to the tower trolls
of trans nat inc"

while controling
by loving smotheration
the vastness out there

not prone to god spells
looking for a class based alternative

and finding only
general parties inc's
donk division
flying by its
union kite tail

where lady jane hormone
of muscle beach and sir max bupkus
ajax of the nut bar pampus
get afl-kia seals of approval

imagine if the ancient hebrews
wondering in the desert
were actually
following a false pillar of smoke

and moses far from the voice of god
was taking
his orders
from the lowest wrung of hell

the party of moses
the party of pharoah too


why j alva is your site back in the betty ford clinic

J. Alva Scruggs:

Joe Lieberman did something unspeakable to the server. I can't describe that here, obviously. Your readers would vomit.


I think comedian Bill Hicks said it best in this quote from Rant in E-Minor:

I'll show you politics in America. Here it is, right here: "I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs." "I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking." "Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding out both puppets!"

js paine:

hicks smicks


We'll supply the joke lines 'round here

your job is simply to
supply the loud
highly appreciative laffs
not import toppers ......

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Note also that comments with three or more links may be held for "moderation" -- a strange term to apply to the ghost in this blog's machine. Seems to be a hard-coded limitation of the blog software, unfortunately.


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