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High on Rocky Mountain hee-haw

By Owen Paine on Thursday November 16, 2006 04:13 PM

Will you all join me in a Bronx salute to the snoot full of thin-air Democracy the tower press has been blowing at us since last Tuesday?

Talk about a blind date with a dwarf. I see nothing more useful than doorstops coming out of this top-of-the-nation party turnaround.

High plains mountebanks? That gives 'em more credit than they deserve. There's nothing "local" about 'em, and to quote my idol, Fred Allen: "Their idea of roughing it is probably three days without a manicure."

They're coming to the Capitol with nothing but the stink of too many big corporate "yesums" on their breath, and saddlebags bulging with bottom line IOUs.

Comments (1)

J. Alva Scruggs:

I think they live entirely in a world in which pigheaded people pridefully and stubbornly pursue bad ideas, and must be praised for it or they'll behave even worse, where charlatans of the most banal white collar stripe are considered picaresque, and should be gently kidded for their tawdry lecheries to maintain "access", and they're in it to such an extent that it really does seem remarkable to them when fresh-looking snouts appear on their horizons.

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