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Defeat through victory -- or vice-versa?

By Owen Paine on Wednesday January 10, 2007 09:36 PM

Here's where the Kosnik theory that "victory is everything" leads:

Both the House and Senate Dem caucuses right now preserve an artificial unity, for the sake of the party's institutional predominance. But the only way the "peace now" Democrats can ever make themselves heard is to bolt -- or at least, credibly threaten to bolt, and undermine that predominance.

All this blather on their part, about sticking together for the sake of the common domestic agenda, is pure pittle-pattle the great issue, the make-or-break issue, is the occupation of Iraq. The Peace Dems just flat-out don't mean it unless they're willing to say: "No, I will not caucus with killers and warmongers."

Comments (1)

Try telling that to one of the pwoggie androids over at Daily Ko$ sometime. Those delusional chowderheads believe they have some kind of clout in the DP! And anyway, even if they did threaten to do something that might actually be effective, like bolt the Other War Party, who'd believe them? They've haven't shown an ounce of spine yet.

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