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Don't stop thinking about yesterday

By Michael J. Smith on Tuesday January 2, 2007 09:17 AM

Mike Flugennock writes:
Mogadishu, we hardly knew ye.

Sure is nice to see good old Somalia back in the news again.

A little blast from our past circa September 1993,


...part of my compilation of the "Clinton Legacy" In Wheat Paste:


...which I thought might be a nice quick guide for "Stop Me" readers as Somalia begins simmering again, and the Liberal interventionists are calling for "action" in Darfur, and Hillary's taking a crack at the Democratic -- or "Outer Party", as I like to call them now -- nomination...

(ripply-wiggly recollection-sequence transition effex here)

In September of 1993, still glowing from its success in Waco, Texas, the Clinton Regime is hip-deep in the "humanitarian intervention" in Somalia. This Army PAO hack's comment is in response to a question regarding the machine-gunning of groups of protesting Somalis from US helicopters:

"There are no sidelines or spectator seats. The people on the ground are considered combatants."

--U.S. Army Maj. David Stockwell,
Chief Spokesman, U.N. Military Mission in Somalia
(Wash Post Sunday 09.12.93)

Btw, has Ridley Scott been signed to direct the sequel? (Working title: "Carry Me Back To Old Somalia"?)

Comments (1)

js paine:

mike f :
"taking a crack at the Democratic -- or "Outer Party", as I like to call them now -- "

is this a reference to 1984??
i ask this
with all undue pedantry

cause i think it may miss a point

the power cores of both big partys
are "inner party" department or compartments

the outer party
is both party lower or marginal

the beauty
of our
un official duopoly system is this "hidden monolith"
with direct links
to the two wings of
the donor class
and their various
dreams and

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