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Beinart raises a laugh

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday March 28, 2007 10:28 PM

I don't usually think of Peter Beinart as an entertaining writer, but I got a chuckle out of this:

Since the Democrats won control of Congress last fall, they've been besieged with warnings against acting too aggressively on Iraq. Such "moves carry clear risks for a party that suffered politically for pushing to end an unpopular war in Vietnam," suggested the Washington Post.... [A] G.O.P. staff member crowed that "the public won't go for it." Haven't the Democrats learned anything from Vietnam?

Actually, they have. Despite today's conventional wisdom, Democrats didn't suffer in the 1970s for opposing Vietnam. And they're even less likely to pay a political price for trying to end the war in Iraq.

For once I agree with Peter. They're not likely to pay a political price for trying to end the war -- because, among other reasons, they're not trying to end it.

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