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Frank, full of beans

By Owen Paine on Wednesday August 15, 2007 07:36 AM

Rep. Barn Burner Frank is setting the record straight:



You tell people that the politicians don’t care about how they vote and they only care about big money, etc. Why would you be surprised if they don’t vote? But we have too much joined in the demonization of government as an entity. We have to start personalizing our criticism of government and stop dismantling respect for government in general.

To be all we weebles can be, we need service sector unionization, nursing classes at all our community colleges, and targetless inflation control.

It all tastes of staples and fly paper. Ahh my brothers and sisters, to think .... this is the man that bars the door; this is the man that stands between Wall Street and the rape of Susie Trueheart -- well, errr, he and good-time Charlie Rangel, that is.

Sleep well, jobbled America, sleep well -- our tribunes stand on guard.

Here's our champion chairman Frankenberry, enjoying a lollying moment with leading house humanist the right honorable Nosferatu.

Comments (2)

When did George Wendt start wearing glasses? And why is he talking to Udo Keir? Gosh, the politics thing is complicated...


That's not George Wendt, but U.S Rep. Frank N. Furter, there. I know, he's aged a lot since '75, and doesn't look nearly as good in the ol' corset and stockings as he used to.

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