Rejoining the herd: Michael Moore, case in point

By Michael J. Smith on Saturday August 4, 2007 12:30 PM

Mike Flugennock writes:
Y'know, when, after eight years of the Clintonoids, a bunch of pissed-off people got fed up with the Democrats and supported Nader's insurgent candidacy (as opposed to Kucinich's "insurgent" candidacy), Michael Moore was one of them, which tickled the living shit out of me after having seen "Roger & Me" and faithfully watched and taped a boatload of his "TV Nation" episodes -- more tickled, in fact, than when Phil Donahue came out for Nader.

So, we all remember the reactions of most Democraps and Liberals then -- looking back, much like the reaction of the USA at large right after 9/11 -- a reaction I could only describe as a sort of mass delusion, or mass psychosis, or just plain raw fear, or just a big mash-up of all three. You'd confront any Democrap or Liberal with your support for Nader and the Greens, citing planks from a platform that pretty much sounded like any decent DP platform from 25, 30 years before, and their faces would damn near contort, almost as if they'd seen a ghost, while they shrieked at you about abortion rights and the Supreme Court and womens' college sports and how the Greens were "stealing votes" from the know, like they were friggin' psychotic, man, like Pod People or something.

So, anyway...that November, last thing before the DW and I voted for Nader and scooted to Jamaica (we'd assumed the election circus would be over either way and we'd have some peace by then), I shot the Nader/Green "super rally" at DC's MCI/Verizon/Whatever Arena (renamed Emma Goldman Arena for the event) for a newsreel at the IMC -- and I recall Moore belting out a fabulous pile of speechifying about choices and democracy and courage and all that shit in his introduction of Nader to the rally. I also recall Moore about three, three and a half years later publishing his apology to the Democratic Party. Yeah, that's right, he friggin' apologized to that bunch of whiners -- remember that bullshit?

But, yeah...if, after his apology to the DP, I wasn't certain enough that Michael Moore himself had been seized by the mass delusion/psychosis/ fear/Kool-Aid/whatever, there came the endorsement of Wesley Goddamn' Clark, f'crissakes... yeah, that Wesley Clark, General Wesley "Maximum Violence" Clark, of Jugoslavian civilian ass-stomping fame. General Wesley Clark, old Bubba Clinton flunkie.

What really set my jaw to plummeting, though, was Moore's reasoning behind it -- something about our needing a General of better integrity than the Generals running the war in Iraq, who could beat Bush... I mean, really, really, really fucked up, desperate kind of reasoning, so totally wrapped up in Beating Bush that he didn't understand what the real problem was.

I think F911 was a helluva picture, one that needed to be made, and I'm glad he's doing what he's doing and that it's hugely popular and that he's making the fascist punditocracy fume and sputter and all, but I just don't feel like I can trust the sonofabitch's like he talks a tough game about the DP, but you know that when shit gets really rough, he's going to run back to them.

Comments (8)

Unfortunately, that last bit is an apt description for a whole lot of the professional Left, not just Moore.

Who could forget such gems as this ?


Good times.


"it's like he talks a tough game about the DP, but you know that when shit gets really rough, he's going to run back to them. "

what shit got really rough ???

moore simply despised bush enough to pull the old ultra defensive popular front strategy
this is what happens when you inflate
the difference in processs and tactics
between the two vote sucking machines
kool aide alpha vs kool aide beta

fuck bush and the repugs are not fascism
they're the spontaneous
bullhead side of empire
so what if we get four more years
tweedle holler
b4 the swing
over to
tweedle hoot

both play empire games

and as to our civil liberties....

i'd rather we lost em all

yes lost all our proper
merit system
and "free" range acting
all our due rights and processees
and lost em precisely BECAUSE
here in the homeland
among its very own "people/citizens"
the empire faced
militant anti big boy


nice link lady X

"Somehow, all these people who consider themselves progressives have morphed into backers of a pro-War, pro-corporate opportunist"

never again ....!!!!!!


OP says:

"bush and the repugs are not fascism
they're the spontaneous
bullhead side of empire"

(Amen, I say!)

OP also says:

"and as to our civil liberties....
i'd rather we lost em all
yes lost all our proper
merit system
and "free" range acting
all our due rights and processees
. . . precisely BECAUSE
here in the homeland
among its very own "people/citizens"
the empire faced
militant anti big boy
opposition "

(BECAUSE what?? a "real INTERNAL militant anti-big boy corporate opposition"?)

Could you say that in a, maybe, more ordinary way?


Even back in the day, MM was a fair weather friend to Nader, urging him to concede and endorse Gore at the last minute, which Ralph, to his credit, steadfastly refused to do.

JJR, Moore does not mention this in his book and I don't recall Nader mentioning it either. Where did you get this information from ?

Moore is a good activist/advocacy documentary filmmaker and a piss-poor political thinker. Back when, I couldn't believe the Clark endorsement myself, and I suspect he'll roll for Hillary or Obama when the time comes. It's a good thing he only comes out with a film every few years, and then only on broad topics.

I visited many sites however the audio feature for audio songs existing at this site is really excellent.

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