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By Michael J. Smith on Saturday February 9, 2008 08:59 PM

Gallup has spoken!


Education and Gender Help Predict Democratic Preferences
College education a major differentiator in choosing Clinton vs. Obama

Gender and education are both strong predictors of Democrats' preferences for their party's presidential nominee. Generally speaking, the more education a Democrat has, the less likely he or she is to support Hillary Clinton, and the more likely to support Barack Obama....

Among the most highly educated Democrats -- those with postgraduate educations -- both men and women are more likely to support Obama than Clinton. Among the least educated -- those with no college experience -- both men and women are more likely to support Clinton than Obama.

Long story short: with the in-between groups, gender assumes some importance. But once education has really run its course, it's Barack by a country mile -- or an urban census district, anyway.

Since I'm a long-time foe of education, this was very cheering news. It's as if the educated, like Caliban, don't enjoy seeing their own face in a mirror.

Comments (8)


"It's as if the educated, like Caliban, don't enjoy seeing their own face in a mirror"

the intricate programing
to produce this wide result in one class
versus another class
that seems to identify with
its our gal patron-ette

looking up with respect
look across with admiration
looking down looking left looking right
in times of doldrum and pathology
stag-nations look about them selves
with eyes of multitudinous roving
and prolly end up reacting
so much as they do or can
in chaotic mutually stymied ways

Michael Hureaux:

As a teacher, I'd say all this shows is the genius of late capitalist education. Talk about a lack of historic perspective on anything except a very superficial basis and an absence of critical thinking skills...

MH -- huh? How do you get any chance to rip on ordinary people's minds here? Isn't the superficiality built into the "choice" here -- Choose now: a) the welfare reformist or b) the buddy of Zbig Bi Laden? Talk about "the prisoner's dilemma!" And isn't the "choice" of the Klinton Option slightly more depressing and revelatory of the mass workings of brains/brand-name-recall devices? (I said slightly...) At least with BO, you can at least only-just-plausibly lie to yourself that there's some chance he'll pull an FDR and abandon the conventions he runs on once he's in office. With Madame No-vary, you know damned well what you're about to get - another load on your shit sammich.

Michael Hureaux:

Yeah, that was dumb. What can I say? At four in the morning, I think I'm a bloody genius.

Hey, no biggie, M Hero. It's not like the point is obvious. Paying the slightest attention to either Killary or The Zbig O makes me feel like it's 4 a.m.

Cockburn and St. Clair have it right today -- the white workers are married to Killary. It's a larger version of the Oregon gubbernator endorsement that finally stopped me going to my state union meetings.

After interviewing four Dembot candidates in both writing and live talk, the tellingly-named "COPE" (Committee on Political Education) committee decided to have our state AFL-Lack-affiliated union endorse the guy who everybody on the committee agreed gave by far the worst answers among the Dembots.

Why? He's going to win, so we'd best be butterin' his toast for him.

The AFL-Lack in completely, completely broken, and the DP is 90 percent of the reason.

Maddening, because the cure is simply to stop using the drug... But raising that topic from within (and, internally, the AFL-Lack runs the world's last Stalinist elections) is about like trying to walk across your local ocean.

Dominique Christensen:

Hurrah!!! for Michael Hureaux... I think you nipped it in the bud on this one. Never neglects to spit out the truth and say it like it REALLY is. Love it. It made me laugh. =) Bloody genius.

Dominique Christensen:

Hurrah!!! for Michael Hureaux... I think you nipped it in the bud on this one. Never neglects to spit out the truth and say it like it REALLY is. Love it. It made me laugh. =) Bloody genius.

Dominique Christensen:

Hurrah!!! for Michael Hureaux. Never neglects to spit out the truth and say it like it REALLY is. Bloody genius.

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