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Ball and chain

By Owen Paine on Tuesday April 29, 2008 03:27 PM

Obama's scrappy Better Half doesn't seem to be much beloved by anybody -- it's her strange cocktail of merit-class arrogance and chip-on-the-shoulder resentfulness. But the epicenter of Michellophobia appears to be Catholic women of low career attainment.

Wonder whether Pappy McCain can exploit this as well as Hillanova has? How?

Comments (3)

Probly a dead issue -- the Klintons have finished Willie Hortoning el senor BO, with his quick and full cooperation.

Our blogmaster called the preacher-dumping, too: "I want to use this press conference to make people absolutely clear that obviously whatever relationship I had with Reverend Wright has changed as a consequence of this."

Wright apparently doesn't speak for "Americans." It seems he has "a complete disregard for what the American people are going through."

Wow (almost)!

Not that I've actually managed to see any actual footage of Her Michelleship -- or, as politicians like to call their wives, "my rock" -- in action (lucky me!), but, still...am I sensing The Black Hillary, here?

And, in a related note...speaking of which, would now be a good time to fish out my copy of "Cheap Thrills" or "Monterey Pop"?

sump'n came along, honey,
grabbed ahold of me,
and it felt just like
a ball and chain!


odd how silly this post now seems

since ob put
hurled his moca merit class anathema
the asphalt prophet jere wright

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