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By Michael J. Smith on Monday April 7, 2008 11:08 AM

Researchers at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem..
(Where else?)
... found a link between a gene called AVPR1a and ruthless behaviour in an economic exercise called the 'Dictator Game'.
Great, now they can start breeding for it.

Comments (3)

Al Schumann:

I hope that's not a fair representation of either the research or the findings. Gene reductionist behaviorism is not a good like of inquiry for any university to be supporting.


my my zion discovers
the duce gene

how we doooo
become our opposite

David D:

Wow, they gave 200 students $14 and they didn't want to share it w/ someone they were never going to meet. I bet heroine addicts and starving chinese children wouldn't either. Or my paper boy, a 40 year old high school drop out who rifles through my recycling bin every thursday. If I told him I had 50 shekels for him and only forked over $14 dollars, he'd kick my ass, walk away with the money, and say "one born every minute" to his son as he checked his hair in the rear view mirror. It'd make me a dictator too.

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The next post in this blog is He's back, and just as bad as ever....

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