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They're shocked, shocked... no, really, they ARE

By Michael J. Smith on Tuesday June 3, 2008 11:02 PM

One of my lefty correspondents passed along this wonderful series of closely-spaced ejaculations from my favorite Democratic Party putto, Markos Moulitsas Zuniga:

Clinton's Speech #5
by kos
Tue Jun 03, 2008 at 06:53:33 PM PDT

So much for unity.

Update: Republicans had Mike Huckabee make a very gracious concession  
speech when he lost.


Clinton Speech #4
by kos
Tue Jun 03, 2008 at 06:49:27 PM PDT

"No decisions tonight."

She hasn't said one nice thing about Obama.

It's all about her. Period. There is nothing else that matters.


Clinton Speech #3
by kos
Tue Jun 03, 2008 at 06:43:41 PM PDT

Ummm, didn't someone let Hillary know that she lost?

This isn't a concession speech.


Clinton's speech #2
by kos
Tue Jun 03, 2008 at 06:38:37 PM PDT

Hmmm, she's still undermining Obama's victory with b.s. claims of  
winning the popular vote. Sigh...

Oddly enough, I think he's perfectly sincere. He really thinks he won -- and now he's preparing a nice Dolchstosslegende against all contingencies in November.

Comments (11)

I haven't heard The Speech in question, but I caught a snatch of MSNBC's "After Hours" in which it's reported that Hillary, on a high-level campaign/media conference call of some kind, mentioned that "she was open to it" with regards to the VP nod.

I love that. She says "she's open to it". Hard to believe, after all the backstabbing and race-baiting -- and that goddamn' Bobby Kennedy rap of hers -- that she still expects the VP nomination. The old gal's got some goddamn' cajones, I'll give her that much.

Not that I'm surprised to hear it, though; it does make sense for her to take the VP nomination -- after all, somebody might get shot.


The old gal's got some goddamn' cajones, I'll give her that much.

you mistake balls for
the shameless ends
that emerge once
a soul like her's
reaches the last gasp
of a desperate entitlement

those bulging black marble eyes tell all

Zell Miller is the only logical Veep choice. I've got twenty-five cents on it. :/


what infuriates the kos

obviously hillary like the serpent
speaks the truth
if not the whole truth

admit it kos
u know you're afraid
of america's ignorant white trash

and you should be

your brand hasn't
come across for em
in 40 years

ob's has
largely unavoidable
identity is destiny
but if he could be believed in ...
by white trash
the way say harry truman was believed in

not because he'll come across
harry sure didn't
but at the time
the ink was still drying
on the new deal

what can this era's white fried fritters
see in a party brand that wind surfs ???

a party brand that
"where's the money for that ass hole ??"

" hey dip i got your workin family
tax cut right here "
while pointing at their dog's dick
" you damn well
better eat it
and i mean
every bit of it
that extra serving
of steamed education
i'm puttin on your plate
will ya grow strong ... "


m x
you got the touch babe

Nicholas Hart:

What about Edwards for his running mate? That guy managed to make himself over from $400 haircut "lawyer of the people" to a populist (despite holding positions pretty much consistent with Clinton and Obama). Still, the pwogs seem to genuinely believe he's the real deal.

Of course if Obama does pick him, poor Edwards... always the bridesmaid, never the bride.


i'd put my money on jim webb
if he'll take it

as a better newer updated wes clark

but then he might not take it
so ...

oh fuck who cares
i sound like a track tout
though my domestic partner
i'm kinda good at it


Why would you expect Hillary to make a gracious concession speech? And why would you care?

It's always good to be a gracious loser, but I guess I kind of sympathize with the loser part. Who wants to lose the opportunity to be President? That would suck. And then you have to go out and make nicey nice with the winner and talk about how it really didn't mean much to you one way or another.

You wouldn't run if you thought the other guy could do a better job, so I don't see the point of putting up some charade of politeness. Especially in light of the vicious attacks everybody makes during the campaign. It can't be healthy to have so many polite relationships with people who hate your guts.


u know you're afraid
of america's ignorant white trash

and you should be

your brand hasn't
come across for em
in 40 years

Beautiful, op...Beautiful.

I like the sound of "President McCain." It sounds like the collapse of empire and bankruptcy.

Alas, President McCain also sounds like "President Clinton" 2013.


President McCain also sounds like "President Clinton" 2013

hill is not getting there

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