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Happy Hanukkah, from holy Zion

By Michael J. Smith on Saturday December 27, 2008 09:14 PM

240 dead so far, in an Israeli aerial bombing attack on the Gaza Strip, launched with characteristic shit-on-the-carpet coarseness by the Boers of the Middle East on December 27. Joy to the world, peace on earth, light in the darkness, goodwill toward men? Not if the soldiers of Zion have anything to say about it.

They're droll, the Israelis. This little exercise in technologically-mediated risk-free mass slaughter has a "code name", as every self-respecting massacre must: Operation Cast Lead. A slightly opaque phrase unless you happen to have heard the Hanukkah song that refers to "cast-lead dreydels".

So it's a little Hanukkah celebration: spin the dreydel, kill a few dozen Palestinians, spin, kill, spin, kill. This is the meaning of the Festival of Lights in Israel: God miraculously gave us the ability to murder anybody we want, anytime we want to. Baruch atah Adonai!

I was trying to think of parallels. Hiroshima? Wrong scale, and too off-the-scale. Dresden or Coventry? But those took place in the setting of a relatively evenly-matched conventional war between states.

Then it came to me: Of course.


Comments (2)

Is this the same painting Colin Powell had covered up prior to his delivering the "I have a scheme" speech at the UN in order to justify the US invasion of Iraq?


I don't see how he could have. It's back in Spain now, after many years at MOMA down the street from my lair, in accordance with old Pablo's instructions.

If Powell coulda covered it, he woulda, though. It's a lasting j'accuse to airborne killers from Berlin to Washington to Jerusalem.

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