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By Michael J. Smith on Thursday January 15, 2009 07:29 PM

Latest from our pal Mike Flugennock:

All my goodhearted, decent, well-meaning Upper West Side friends are still sooooo looking forward to the Inauguration. The hicks are out! Complete sentences are in!

I mention Gaza, and I get these looks -- it's as if I just shat in the champagne punch.

Comments (2)

Al Schumann:

I'll tell you, after guzzling enough punch, I can get all sentimental and optimistic about my Piaget-overachiever liberals. They're doing so well compared to the angry, thwarted conservatives, who seem to have given up altogether bless their hearts.

I want to hug them and get out the book with the choo-choo train, their favorite, and if they want to run around singing that silly "Yes We Can" song, well after eight years of being made to sit in the corner, what harm can it do?

Regrettably the punch bowl appears to be filled with sewage, giving literal meaning to the accusation, "party pooper".

Comrade Smiff writes:
All my goodhearted, decent, well-meaning Upper West Side friends are still sooooo looking forward to the Inauguration. The hicks are out! Complete sentences are in!

No shit! Cripes, the guy can even say "nuclear", already!

Still, I'm so disappointed at not being able to entertain myself for hours on end watching Vice-President Palin on C-SPAN, smirking and winking from the VP's chair in the Senate.

But, seriously.

This cartoon started out, naively enough, as a criticism of the Donkeycrats and of Obama for sitting on his ass at the Hay-Adams and saying nothing about Gaza except some mealy-mouthing about how there's only one El Presidente at a time. I shot a few demos that week about Gaza, including one outside The One's transition team offices, demanding that the incoming Maximum Leader "say something" about Gaza, and I suddenly thought "wait a friggin' minute, what about that goddamn' AIPAC Speech last summer? The 'I (heart) Israel Speech?'!" Anyone who even lightly followed the campaign should remember that; it was just last June, f'cripesake.

I'm fond of joking to my friends about how most Americans' long-term memories don't go back past the last episode of Desperate Housewives, but now I'm starting to wonder if maybe that really is true.

Jeezus, US Left, get it together, already. Barack Obombirana has already said everything he needs to say about Gaza in that big, wet, sloppy blowjob of a speech he gave at AIPAC last summer. Shit, man, do I have to draw you a goddamn' picture?


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