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By Owen Paine on Wednesday July 29, 2009 08:04 PM

Fired by a robot:

Economists want price agents to be nonexistent: they want a world of producing agents, reacting to market prices by -- producing for 'em, and by interaction and other market mojo, profits will vanish into consumer surplus through price-compensation.

Nonsense? Of course it's nonsense, total nonsense, a perfect fan dance for the rise of the modern free range corporation, with its oligpolist "active pricing". Blame ole Leon and Francis here, if you must:

... but 'tis a wondrous set of notions, eh? -- For a society still married to commodity production and its filthy commerce.

Imagine if it were doable. Imagine if the impersonal deistic market figment really could, by its own spontaneous means, liquidate all profit demons and their bubbles of rent?

Hey, I have a way to make it work.

Let the infernal machines run all markets -- we embodied human-capitals, by ones or by many's, org'ed or un-org'ed, wage-slaved or yeoman-iac, get to submit our products as commodities, just like now, but to an automatic pricing system, one that simply does its thing and "moves your stuff".

You'd watch it like a game board, I suspect, or a slot machine

The tiny Nipponese marketeer below embodies a student-prince dream of mine -- only mine could climb skyscrapers and enter your office or apartment through the window and stay there until you bought a burger.

Comments (6)

Jeezus H. on a Segway.

Just when I think the USA is about the most fucked-up nation on the planet, the Japanese go and pull off something even more brain-curdling.

Out, my eyes.


odd synchro

this at c punch

another mind grasps the kick up in job rations:

" The helpful thing about cap-and-trade logic is that it recognizes some> system-wide quantity that is a matter of public concern and provides some real-time market pressure on that basis. " g moses

dead right
making a system wide level of job holders/hours
an obligation of the corporate system
an obligation to carry say 125 milion full time or full time equivalent jobs
but enforced by markets not taxes

to maintain over all employment levels
you gotta buy a warrant to lay off by buying it from some corporation
that has just hired an equivalent
this type of reform is both flexible cheap and open to monitor thru the payroll tax system
the firm that hires gets a reward and the hirer's reward goes up/down
just as the firer's cost goes up/down as system wide firing pressure goes> up/down
added dynamic aspect

if the system is required to net x new hires per existing staff
u either match your quota or you gotta buy a warrant
again this rewards the fastest job growing firms and penalizes the fastest firing firms

uncle sets say a quaterly target
of one new hire per 60 employess
for all firms with over 200 employees the details are open to mucho flex

all this in the spirit of
vickrey collander lerner
with their master mark up cap and trade notion

control inflation control job opportunity
macro op final demand
u free the class strugglers
to up pitch
the battle agin exploitation


moses' plan

" Get a license to carry capital only if you take out an obligation to return a portion of labor costs. This is only fair, since capital is no good to anyone without the jobs that will be needed to employ it. You just promise to pay for those jobs so long as your capital permit shall last. If your business plan later calls for capital development to eliminate jobs, then you either keep paying the labor costs you agreed to earlier or you trade that labor cost off to some other capital carrier."


The original post, and the two follow-up comments seem to have nothing to do with each other, and are maybe even diametrically opposed, but brilliant individually. Please don't dont add any new enlightenment, until I figure out these bits.



U are on the money
The two visions are opposed to each other

The job floor
tile and trade
Scheme follows from our present corporate structure

The robomarket
Turns pricing into a mechanical groping

Your choice distopia

Son of Uncle Sam:

Do you think their might be a "Pleasure" model?

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Note also that comments with three or more links may be held for "moderation" -- a strange term to apply to the ghost in this blog's machine. Seems to be a hard-coded limitation of the blog software, unfortunately.


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The next post in this blog is The skipper, brave and sure.

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