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Trumka triumphans

By Owen Paine on Monday September 28, 2009 10:36 AM

The mighty AFL (ee i ee i oh) pulled off its quadrennial indoor dressage last week without a hiccup.

I'll glide past the long-awaited Trumka coronation and head straight for the federation's newly elected number two secretary-treasurer -- she's the ashy-haired one on the left of His Bullness.

Her name's Liz Shuler and she wants to reach out to -- young folks.

Her words:

“They don’t hate us, they don’t like us; they just don’t know us.”
Indeed. In other news...

The march of the HERE hares, after 4 years in the wilderness fox-trottin' with Andy's purple gang, back into the robust if wrinkling arms of Mother Gompers' deathless creature. Bed-changers, stew-ladlers and barkeeps of America, rejoice -- Kaiser John is back where he belongs "in the house of labor" and yes, he's ready to rumble.

Brothers and sisters of the grand pacific union of the unorganized, nothing could better personify the gerbil-wheel nature of piecard unionism in America than this guy from high-60's Yale, late of Vegas, and now most firmly DC-centered -- the Mel Torme of bottle-washing, John Tempelhof Wilhelm III:

Comments (3)


ooops wrong blog

not relevent to big picture rads


Spare us the fake regrets, op... you know damn well that forward-looking nostalgia of a glottal sort is welcome and in fact necessary here from time to time.

Son of Uncle Sam:

I wonder what Art Babbit would do.... glass of acid in the face?
"... they just don't know us."

tell young people about dues and picket duty and I'm sure they'll have heard enough.

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