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Strange bedfellows

By Owen Paine on Wednesday December 9, 2009 11:26 PM

I'm reading the latest issue of Revolution, and lo and behold I get this creepy feeling: Could our Father Smith...

... have a secret bloc with chairman Bob?

I note the immortal Avakian's "pyramid theory". Here's the telling cut-outs:

In 2000 the conventional wisdom coming from the TV commentators and pundits and so on was uniformly, or at least overwhelmingly, that given the fact that this election was so contested.... Bush would have to "rule by consensus" and move "toward the center" in how he governed.

Noooo. Exactly the opposite was the case. Bush took a very hard line, mobilized a hard core force of his followers in the ruling class and appealed, when he felt that he needed to, to a hard core right-wing... social base to back him up...

Now let's contrast that with the present situation.... Obama has a clear majority with him from his party in the Senate and in the House of Representatives... And yet, over and over again, it's insisted that Obama will have to seek consensus, "reach across the aisle," not become isolated from those who didn't support him, not alienate the Republican Party, and so on and so forth — and Obama acts in accordance with that...

In fact, whenever Obama carries out the actions that his role as chief executive of U.S. imperialism and commander-in-chief of the imperialist armed forces of the U.S. requires him to carry out, the rationalization that's frequently if not always given, particularly to those who voted for him but are disappointed by these actions, is that Obama, after all, has to compromise, he has to "reach across the aisle," he has to rule by consensus, et cetera, et cetera.

I won't bother to lay out the pyramid behind the theory -- Bob does that well enough. But reading the above, don't it seem like whatever the pyramid theory might be, it operates frighteningly like... Father Smiff's ratchet theory

We gotta ask ourselves why. Here's the original Oakland A again:

"Why is it that, if you look at these two very sharply contrasting examples, logic would seem to indicate that Obama should be able to rule with a clear hand and come out fighting and not have to compromise with the opposition forces within the ruling structures but, in fact, he does constantly compromise with them, and it is repeatedly insisted that he must; whereas Bush, according to "conventional wisdom," should have been compromising and "seeking consensus" yet refused to do so..
." So the Repubs whip up their side of the social pyramid -- the right side -- all the way down to their lumpen base, to fascist-like frenzy, but the Dembot side remains paralyized all the way down: Like the brain half controlling the left side of the American polity had a massive stroke back in '46 and another in '80.

I kinda like the left-side stroke theory. But for father S, it's not a real stroke, it's a simulation, a stroke-like semi-sub-intentional paralysis. You might call it motor hysterics. There was never any stroke: the left hemisphere simply was doing Orthrian duty. If you want the body politic to stagger to the right for a while, then the left side needs to go weak and feckless.

But hey, maybe, despite early evidence to the contrary, the integrated summit of the burger brain behind both hemi's wants a stagger to the left here -- for a while, anyway. What if... what if?

Introducing the final total Republican-simulated right-side prefrontal lobotomy, sexy Sarah from the Klondike:

Comments (23)

I would venture to say that the difference lies in the very nature of the DP, most of which collaborated in full with Monkeyman, no blinks involved. Stated another way, whatever made Bobby imagine the talk about Bush having to compromise was anything but corporate journalism boilerplate?

And, of course, Obama was born compromising. He probably thanked the ob-gyn for the butt-slap as he began wondering how to make daddy happy.

How obvious does it have to become for people to realize that it's all Kabuki?

The Democrats pretend to want to do something for ordinary people because it's the role assigned to them by the taskmasters.

What we're watching is a tightly scripted "reality" show.

Carolyn Kay


"Certainly an overly vigorous butt-slap can be detrimental to the child's eventual psycho-social development. But let me be perfectly clear to those who insist that a butt-slap by its very nature is inherently abusive: applied judiciously, a healthy butt-slap is entirely consistent with our traditions and represents no threat to our cherished values."



i note two tasks ahead for the master of orthrus herr geryon:

revig a now fairly debunked Democracy
restructure the big games
both internal and external

no more scout-ing for towel heads
with bazookas
simply for the boyish thrill of it

no more gambling ..excessively and prolongedly
the existing social means of payment

close the trade gaps

settle the medi-sec's hash
etc etc

time for 8 years of wilsonian
good emperorhood

intervene with convincing force
only when the great game stakes
are sizeable

recall iraq actually has been escaped nicely
by moving the goo goo hateable show to afpak

but moderation and repugnance abound
at the "cost" in souls and suffering
as it is continued

---underbelly ??
these nation building jounts at the periphery
are just too damn expensive
for so little problematic benefit

uncle need not venture much more or much further...for now

just a few bloody flexations here and there

possibly uncle may need
a demonstration of who's yer ddaddy

maybe a bit closer to home...
eyes look south ..latinos beware

st woody had his finger
up their ass a few times and places no ??

a nice piece of empire tending ala gladstone

not teddy roosevelt de minimus redux


from the last thread:
"as to the piegold bent
left lower strata
of the job class
well where they gonna go after all
even the paleface ones
into the brown shirts ???"

They don't have to go anywhere. It doesn't take much effort to not vote, not volunteer, and not send money to democrats. It's pretty easy

Longer term, I'm still holding out hope for a 4th party, as in: Republican, Democrat, Conservative/Christian/Teabagger, Labour/Socialist/Progressive. The conservatives are at least partially figuring out the What's The Matter with Kansas/pyramid/rachet setup after being betrayed on immigration, school prayer etc. A whole lot of dems that just been thrown under the bus in a spectacular fashion on gay marriage, civil liberties, war, healthcare, etc. It may be a long way off but I at least see the seeds of 3rd and 4th parties being sowed.

Has anyone ever seen Michael and Bob in the same place? Think about it...

Michael Hureaux:

Don't know. But Avakian's a wanker.


our bob

i'm not sure what difference a 4 party structure might make
they got plenty of them out there in the oecd hemi

but i've always liked the notion myself
though i suspect the structure
of our electoral system
open primary state by state
non publically funded
kinda zaps the long term electoral mass base
for such a set up

we got the caucus for a left democrat party
maybe 70 seats in the house
and a few fusion senators

prez runs become strategic games
thrown regularly into the electoral college for vote swops

i recall the indy black dem party jesse wouldn't buy into as a means to lever the dems in certain congo districts and for electoral votes

lots of state rules would need changing
some how

really we could get used
to electoral college tussles

vote horse trading here
might be fun

we had the 435 house districts vote for an elector winner take all as now
the 100 state wide electors up for grabs
winner take all
not much of a stretch really

but again i look at the limits of social democracy in europe and see well...the real lesser evil


Al Schumann:

It's an interesting speculation, Owen, but the hive mind has so thoroughly anathematized anything that even whiffs of leftisnness that even those who are inclined that way out of real necessity don't dare make a move. Mike Huckabee for example went in for the pragmatic, budgetary mercy of commuting prison sentences. Now he's getting the Dukakis media treatment for it.

I think that opportunistic bandwagon pattern will hold true, and based on that I think bob's speculation looks solidly grounded. Deep disgust at the party base, constantly reinforced by leadership treachery, plus the path of least resistance could lead to some enduring realignments.

Al Schumann:

And for clarity, "bob's speculation" in my comment refers to our SMBIVAn bob, not the evil chairman.


notice father refuses to mount his real mug
instead we're treated to one of his pedantic japes

i had a keen photo
i sent in from his days as a nixon mocker
jan '69
gorilla suit and all
both with and without nixonian head piece

he axed it

i guess he's still wanted for some
breech of the peace somewhere
from back then

at any rate i came across this momento snap
our fathers prefered conveyance back then


that's his squeeze up in the drivers seat
looking some what the worst
for his prior nights athenian drug revel
imagine only 14 years old he was
at the time
wonder where he is now ...??

to be fair
here for the record is me
from back then


a straight on
4h club stone killer
from jaffrey new hampshie

fenimore cooper eat your heart out

i was saved for the class struggle
by sugar Al's
aunt bev btw


No offense, Carolyn, but how do you reconcile your Kabuki comment with the title of your blog? What's your idea of "making them accountable?"


notice father refuses to mount his real mug
instead we're treated to one of his pedantic japes

i had a keen photo
i sent in from his days as a nixon mocker
jan '69
gorilla suit and all
both with and without nixonian head piece

he axed it

i guess he's still wanted for some
breech of the peace somewhere
from back then

at any rate i came across this
great snap
our fathers prefered conveyance back then
the legendary psychedelic hearse
of manatee county
shows his quondam squeeze
up in the drivers seat
looking some what the worst
for his prior nights outing.

an athenian drug revel no doubt

imagine only 14 years old he was
at the time
wonder where he is now ...??

to be fair
here for the record is me
from back then


a straight on
4h club stone blood sporter
from jaffrey new hampshie

fenimore cooper eat your heart out

i was saved for the class struggle
by sugar Al's
aunt bev btw



ignore the counterfeit dating
on my killer triumphant pix

i do that with all my photos throws the spooks off now and again

Al Schumann:

Owen, sometimes I get the impression that you're taking advantage of my credulity.

>>What's your idea of "making them accountable?"

Read it.

Carolyn Kay


If we're talking about pictures, Owen, you may recall that afternoon you spent in the hot tub with Pol Pot. Did you even notice my Polaroid? Probably not -- the two of you were sucking down those drinks in the hollowed-out coconuts, with the little paper umbrellas, like millennial communism was just around the corner.


"applied judiciously, a healthy butt-slap is entirely consistent with our traditions and represents no threat to our cherished values."

As the kids say, Obama at this point needs to be bitch-slapped so hard his momma will feel it.

Save the Oocytes:

op, you read Revolution?

Out of curiosity, what, briefly, is this pyramid?

It's funny how Avakian's argument is one of FAIR's constant themes (one example of many). To their credit, the liberal blogs have caught that too, although they would never suggest anything as radical as MJS's "rachet."

Al Schumann:

Institutional, professional liberals have drawn water from the "rightward drift" well for a long time. It's a means of venting frustration and establishing the parameters of acceptable dissent. Conceding a bit of reality is not too risky and it impresses the timid. They can get quite nasty and spiteful, however, when someone goes a bit further. It's so shameful and neurotic that I'm embarrassed for them.


"I'm not sure what difference a 4 party structure might make"

I think it just changes the dynamics, solving certain coordination problems that impair the expression of the general will. If I were well versed in game theory I could probably give a proper account of the equilibrium outcome shift between a 2 agent and 4 agent model.

"they got plenty of them out there in the oecd hemi"

I think they have worked pretty well, despite the range of policies available to them being constrained from the outside. Canada never ended up in Iraq at least. It seems like you are forgetting the difference between politics in the metropole and politics in the semi-periphery. The real constraint comes from overt meddling and bullying on the part of the United States. The emissaries that the US sends up to Canada have shamelessly stood on the floor of parliament and dictated policy to Canadian politicians, backed by overt threats to disrupt cross-border trade (US ambassador when the Liberals were months away from legalizing marijuana) while at the same time cavalierly flaunting court orders to pay 8 billion dollars in damages to the Canadian government (softwood lumber). I doubt that that many Americans realize quite how brazen the United States is when intervening in the affairs of client states. I can only imagine what it must be like to be one of USA's "friends" in latin america.

"though i suspect the structure
of our electoral system
open primary state by state
non publically funded
kinda zaps the long term electoral mass base
for such a set up"

That is probably true. Federal politics is definitely a mess.

I think that part of the problem is actually excessive centralization of power at the federal level, leading to a winner-take-all dynamic, factionalism and patron-client politics. If more public policy was actually devolved to the state level, that is where meaningful reform could take place. That was the strategy in China, and how Canadian healthcare got established. If an experiment works well in one area it forces the others to adopt it. I know that states' rights still has the regressive racist baggage, but I still think it's a good idea because it allows for alternatives to thrive without having to achieve dominance over the entire system.


"I think they have worked pretty well, despite the range of policies available to them
being constrained from the outside"

true enough

i howver refer you to the cnstraints
from below
ie maintaining a system of corporate capitalism
i noted sweden to suggest that barrier is never ccarried by the forces
of the popular will

form process etc always fun like design itself
but it lacks meat
the medium itself has its features and they may and more often will over condition outcomes
making them independent of chosen means
i think that was what hegel discovered
about clio's ways and whims --not for the first time --
what is rational is not always real
but thru her clever use of agency
the real at its deepest level is rational

hence my ontempt for tom paines facile rejection of the old testament
as a record of god's will on earth

as to the ggeneral will
i can only define that coherently
as the path ahead history will blaze
---shorn of its overwhelmingly distorting
topologic twists and turns
applied to the profile of rational progress
by the play
of a vast n dimensional
concatenation of accidents ---


i read all periodicals that i find that claim inspiration from lenin thru mao and or stalin
notwithstanding any stalinoid lobotomies
suffered along the way

trot trash i leave to those better designed
by blend of humors
to wade thru any one of those moebid
unending seances

goblin cha chas
cum morning after
sloth of despond

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