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Paradigm a dozen

By Owen Paine on Thursday March 11, 2010 03:50 PM

Welcome the Institute for New Economic Thinking.

The advisory board is worth a look: what a criminal-looking bunch, every man jack of 'em wearing an expression that's either brittlely brazen or shifty-eyed and hang-dog. These are the motley Merlins that George Attaturk Soros has assembled to redesign the global economic system; and here is a quote from his highness, lord Soros, that serves as well as any might to seed the ground with dragon's teeth:

"The entire edifice of global financial markets has been erected on the false premise that markets can be left to their own devices, we must find a new paradigm to rebuild from the ground up."
Imagine! A "new paradigm" -- built out of gopherwood memes, no doubt, by these marvelous mind machines. C'mon, Mistah Shuman, ark's a-waitin' -- to transport, not just a few, but all of us, to the new, well-guberned shark feast called market Earth, version 2.0.

Comments (4)

I like Duncan Foley quite well.

Nice of Soros to be pitching the Donklebot theme of continuing hyper-consumerist capitalism, but adding BIGGER government with MORE regulations.

Soros is a master of working the pendulum swing as it goes from Elephant-Dominant to Donkey-Superior... and back again... and back again... and back again... and back again. Each swing of the pendulum requires a shift in stance to maximize profiteering. Soros is good at that, as are most money-worshipers. If you worship money, there's no need to be tied down or fettered by ethics, morality, or any other "externality" that doesn't count when tallying up the "bottom line."

I'd say "YAWN" but it's not tiresome being crushed under the boots of capitalist thugs.

CF, capitalism is "bipartisan," right -- way bigger than the Dembots, who haven't dared talk about tweaks to it since round about 1942.

I think this little committee will be interesting to track, as evidence of the huge gulf between what the system's best can propose and what would be minimally necessary to slow the rate of the Empire's implosion.

And Foley is smart. He may say a few interesting things. He's a token and will be ignored, of course...


i knew foley fairly well when he toiled at barn yard in the reeking and roarin' post nixon 70's

i liked him greatly but expected nothing out of him
he had one dimension i know agree with
a very cavalier notion of labor values
whilst i was as exacting and talmudic as my head could allow

ah bbut it was a stage

i'm thru that now
and duncan has regressed into quaker quietism
like wild bill vickrey
but as a 'love to be a system builder '
relentlessly big picture freak
--takes one (or a former one at least)
to know one --
he lacked foxy bill's leapin lizzzzard liberated 'tactical ingenuity '

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