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Several dozen infantile disorders

By Al Schumann on Friday July 8, 2011 07:28 AM

It's one those "he said, she said" showdowns, but the NY Times did publish a relatively informative article on the noxious weeds sold as glyphosate-tolerant plants.

Glyphosate-tolerance comes with a heavy price. The spliced genes get into the wild through a process that's been fairly well understood for several thousand years. Plants pollinate and cross-pollinate and pass on their attributes. This is how food crops were domesticated.

Thanks to the efforts of the corporate millenarians, we now have a serious problem with super weeds. The promised agricultural utopias, in which verdant fields were to be painlessly weeded through happy-happy spraying of glyphosate, are turning into money pits for the sucker-farmers who believed the pitch. The resistant weeds have an advantage over their vulnerable relatives. They have to be removed manually, at great expense, which means they don't get removed for long.

Given the scope of the disaster that already exists, the moderate, sensible, procedural thing would be to revoke all gene splicing patent and copyright protections, ban the sales of the relevant products and start prosecutions for fraud. Instead, the Obama administration's USDA has a tortured sophistry to offer. They want to make new gene-spliced products exempt from regulation.

It's cute, in a Spring Break rohypnol frat boy way. If the regulatory agency has no purview, then no crimes are committed. Wheeee! The logic is impeccable.

Comments (14)


i knew
Spring Break rohypnol frat boy

Spring Break rohypnol frat boy
was a friend of mine

and mr USAD tortured sophistry
let me tell you bub
you ain't no
Spring Break rohypnol frat boy

actually i'm just fooling and pretending
using a rule breaking hook
in myyyyy day
we had no stinking rohypnol frat boys

we was into date rape
when date rape was still kool
when michael aloisius finn
carried just a looooooohhhd in his pocket

ahh how times change.....

and not always for the worse
i might add

Al Schumann:

The logic remains the same, though. If the victim is unconscious, no crime was committed. This, I am reliably informed, is why God invented gibbets. They serve as the best rebuttal.


"They have to be removed manually, at great expense"

back to the future inc

part of the secret governor brown
side door deal with the renewed UFW


don't believe the press dupes ruckus
over the veto of card check

that's just shrewd misdirection
in a time of budgets in need of
additional corporate support

--a nice double play gov ..eh ?? ---

nope far from a cave in to the monied interests
jerry is up nites
secretly guiding a gene team of resolute
lab merlins

(or is it just conspiring with em ??
hard to tell thru the hagiographic
crypto flack cloud)


keep the fields of california
full of busy hands and bent knees

yes the gubster
wants to rely on the good old market based remedy
of supply and demand

create enough nasty burly weeds
and you vastly expand demand for braceros

watch how good wages return to agwork
as promised in his recent campaign

a greezers pentacost !!!!

hell no matter how many mexicans arrive from
el shooting gallery
the grower-victims
of jerry's super weeds
will still cry out
for more
fuckin pluckin


"If the victim is unconscious, no crime was committed"

ahhh yes

the bishop berkley defense

"judge the actual physical violation
is not simply immaterial in this case
its a fortiori non existent i move for
immediate dismissal of the charges "

"approach the bench counciler ....
no closer ...closer (bop )
motion denied ...clerk
strike that blow from the record
hammering a councilor's skull
is not an observed action
under the laws of this commonwealth "


"why God invented gibbets"

gibbets yes gibbets

i'm put in mind of a favorite bit
of falstaff

sir john as mercenary king's presser

" A mad fellow met me on the way
and told me
I had unloaded all the gibbets
and pressed the dead bodies"

full context:

"If I be not ashamed of my soldiers, I am a soused gurnet.
I have misused the king's press damnably.

I have got, in exchange of a hundred and fifty
soldiers, three hundred and odd pounds.

I press me none but good house-holders, yeoman's sons; inquire
me out contracted bachelors, such as had been asked
twice on the banns; such a commodity of warm slaves,
as had as lieve hear the devil as a drum; such as
fear the report of a caliver worse than a struck
fowl or a hurt wild-duck. I pressed me none but such
toasts-and-butter, with hearts in their bellies no
bigger than pins' heads, and they have bought out
their services; and now my whole charge consists of
ancients, corporals, lieutenants, gentlemen of
companies, slaves as ragged as Lazarus in the
painted cloth, where the glutton's dogs licked his
sores; and such as indeed were never soldiers, but
discarded unjust serving-men, younger sons to
younger brothers, revolted tapsters and ostlers
trade-fallen, the cankers of a calm world and a
long peace, ten times more dishonourable ragged than
an old faced ancient: and such have I, to fill up
the rooms of them that have bought out their
services, that you would think that I had a hundred
and fifty tattered prodigals lately come from
swine-keeping, from eating draff and husks. A mad
fellow met me on the way and told me I had unloaded
all the gibbets and pressed the dead bodies. No eye
hath seen such scarecrows. I'll not march through
Coventry with them, that's flat: nay, and the
villains march wide betwixt the legs, as if they had
gyves on; for indeed I had the most of them out of
prison. There's but a shirt and a half in all my
company; and the half shirt is two napkins tacked
together and thrown over the shoulders like an
herald's coat without sleeves; and the shirt, to say
the truth, stolen from my host at Saint Alban's, or
the red-nose innkeeper of Daventry. But that's all
one; they'll find linen enough on every hedge

Al Schumann:

The super weed outcome to date has been classic, Owen. The afflicted farmers go under. They can't pass on the costs. Agribusiness reaps the benefits of their collapse. The farmers that avoid the sucker bait are increasingly threatened by contamination from neighboring overspray of glyphosate and harsher herbicides, and by contamination of their crops from the gene spliced "wonder seeds". Agribusiness reaps the benefits of that too.


i have no sympathy for you dirt farmers

i hail from a line of goatherds
that trails all the way back to
the dark side of hadrian's wall
(Vallum Aelium to father spiff)

weeds are our friends
my clan wears wild weeds as cod pieces
on saints days and other occasions of licensed foolery

some advice :

raise gerbils like my
step sister
priority paine
seen her between shows
on her recent obscene magic tour
next to her now infamous
"disappearing" silver balls

as she e mailed me recently

"life can't all
be about harnessing run away gerbils
to a satanic micro mill "

but oh the textiles they weave


such are
"the cankers of a calm world
and a long peace"


Whether you call it "regulatory capture" (what others say) or "affirmative regulation" (what I call it), the result is the same and the reason for its operation is simple.

Pwoggies, Lib-wools, and all goo-goos of whatever stripe (one might say Barry Goldwater and John Chaffee were GOP goo-goos) tend to argue for the necessity of regulation, and their analysis of what constitutes regulation is rather childish, about what I'd expect from an 8th grader. They see the news of a regulatory scheme being established and they're happy. They read about a supermerit wonderhuman with numerous Ivy degrees being tapped as Head Regulator and they are ecstatic.

They never examine how the regulatory practice works. To them, the existence of "regulation" is proof the government can be a force for good if staffed by meritful wonderhumans, and commonly that means Ivy-educated Democrat loyalists with a "pragmatic" approach that won't piss off the regulated industry(ies) in question.

The post-Vietnam boom of regulatory capture / affirmative regulation was accompanied by the pattern I just described. Ivy donkey undertakers led the FDA, EPA, SEC to clusterfuck after clusterfuck of private industry favoritism, social and ecological costs be damned!

As long as people analyze problems in their 8th grader manner, this will continue, as will the imagery of Obama as noble struggler against the pugilistic profit-pursuers of the Evil Rethuglican party.

Al Schumann:

I'm not arguing in favor of regulating the gene splicers. It's like regulating nuke plants, or torture, or CEO pay, etc. To the extent I'm arguing for anything, I'm arguing in favor of fair trials and swift hangings, with the definition of "fair" that's used by the gene splicers.

Don't forget about the wonderful franken seeds monsanto and their ilk sell to farmers. A farmer can be arrested for attempting to harvest seed from a GMO crop for later re-planting. He is forced to come back to the corp each year for new seed, instead of farming as humans have been for the last 10,000 years. Despite their saying otherwise, you know monsanto is hard at work at applying their terminator tech to all their seeds.

So what is the future? Fields of genetically identical sterile crops. Until one disease wipes out half the world's crops and a few billion starve.

I agree with karl on the pointlessness of regulations. Government has been co-opted by the powerful since its inception. At least in a truly anarchic world the business interests don't have a monopoly on violence via the state. We the people can go burn some factories down and crucify a few CEOs. Without the police and military backup I'm sure you would see a change in business practices or the extinction of big business, which in their lingo is a "win-win".

Corporations cannot survive without the state, but we can. The human species has made it through the bulk of its existence without the state (~100,000 vs 10,000 years), we just need to learn how to do so again. Easier said than done I know, but sometimes you have to look on the bright side of life.

Dr. Gonzo, I really appreciate your diagnosis.

Dr Gonzo's sarcasm depends heavily on a caricature of my point, so as long as we agree on that I can laugh along. As long as we agree that what's funny is a hyperbole, and not what I've actually written. I mean, when I want to encourage Dr Gonzo to try to kick a policeman's ass, I'll say that right now, point blank.

I won't say it indirectly.

Especially not as long as Dr Gonzo is Dawson's new pen-name.

Al Schumann:

I think it's time to close the comments on this thread.


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