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La Momia, y David El Pastor

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday August 3, 2011 01:07 PM

On reflection, it's really very unfair to these two distinguished entertainers to compare their imaginative and poetic performance with the recent "debt ceiling" palookafest, which didn't provide a moment's fun during its endless tedious run(*), or show the slightest sign of originality on the part of any of the hundreds of windy but stolid bores participating in it.

I'll leave it to the house economists here to tell us what effect, if any, we can expect from this big ball o' nuthin'. To my amateur eye, it appears that the mountains have travailed and didn't even give birth to a mouse -- or a stillborn gnat, for that matter.

There's a really hilarious graphic in the New York Times, showing the idiotically elaborate series of snares and pitfalls that the two "parties" have written into this "deal" for each other's amusement. The damn thing looks like nothing so much as one of those hopscotch games you used to see chalked on the sidewalk, back when kids were still allowed out of doors, and permitted to play without wearing a helmet. Of course, anything Congress enacts on a Monday it can repeal on Tuesday, so all this amounts to a lot less, even, than shadowboxing.

The liberals are taking it all very seriously -- natch:

Progressive Change Campaign Committee co-founder Adam Green said: “This deal will kill our economy and is an attack on middle-class families. It asks nothing of the rich, will reduce middle-class jobs, and lines up Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid for cuts.
(How do you like the name of that organization, by the way? Doesn't that squeeze in every shibboleth in the book?)

How do you "kill" a dead "economy"? Of course the "deal" doesn't do anything to revive "the economy" -- whatever that might be. But who thought for a minute it would? It's like getting furious with a rhino because he's not a bunny. Has anybody at all, on either side of the Congressional open sewer -- er, aisle -- or in the Administration, seriously proposed any concrete steps that would actually put people back to work and raise the wage? Of course not. Nobody wants to do that -- except us poor wagelings, for whom that is the only tendril of "the economy" that matters, and rightly so. But none of the Momias in the congressional ring were working for us. And the fact that "deficit reduction" was the rubric under which it was unanimously agreed to file the issue shows that as clearly as anything could.

As for Social Security and Medicare -- it seems pretty clear that those are sacrosanct, at least for the foreseeable future. Yes, of course, everybody, Republicrat and Demolican alike, wants austerity; but the preference is to lay it on the shoulders of the young. Us geezers mostly vote -- with a few notable exceptions, like your humble correspondent here.

* * * * *

I have had occasion, for the last couple of weeks, to spend a fair number of my waking hours in a room where there is a TV continually tuned to CNN. It's quite horrible. Wolf Blitzburger, or whatever his name is, looks increasingly like some carven idol from a Polynesian island where the plastic arts have not been much cultivated. There are a half-dozen mesomorphic guys wearing boxy suits so tight that the overall effect is of something inflated with a bicycle pump. And then there are the sharp-chinned, kitten-faced, anorexic commentatrices.

They're all furiously pissed-off, all the time, and they went over -- and over! -- every meaningless twist and turn in this "debt ceiling" mock-epic with the obsessive fervor of trainspotters.

No wonder so many Americans seem both deeply confused and filled with obscure resentment. It seems clear that this curdled, acidic, ineluctable Muzak must be designed to produce exactly those two effects.

My CNN-soaked room was full of good-hearted liberals, who of course responded exactly as expected: Oh those terrible Republicans, those frightening Teabaggers, etc. Some of the bolder ones suggested that Obama and his fellow-jackasses were perhaps being a little "weak".

It got so tedious, even for the liberals, though, that I felt I was making some progress with my two daily observations:

1) None of this is news, and none of it is interesting.

2) If you want to hang on to whatever shreds of cognitive ability you have left, do not, at all costs, watch TV "news" programs. They exist to interest you in things that don't matter, and distract you from those that do.


(*) Like what Cats might have been if Tony Kushner had written the book.

Comments (65)

Wasn't the main point to direct the public gaze away from the Great Recession?

Beyond that, it is indeed a big joke, as it doesn't actually cut anything yet, and merely pushes the topic they supposedly just warred over into a committee that will never work (which is a good and intended thing).

Recycling the fight into late 2011 and early 2012 allows Zerobama to launch his second marketing campaign with a nifty new theme sure to trick the liberals into participating. Dude has Wall Street's cash, plus this gift from the "opposition," which will itself gain another 4 years to look like it's angry at the status quo. So, we are getting Zero through 2016.

As to the actual economics, if one takes the materialist position that the government is an executive committee of the ruling class, then its constant task is to service corporate capitalism's legislative imperatives. From that view, the real work here is to strike poses about smaller government without actually doing it. Doing it turns Great Recessions into Great Depressions.

The truth is that the Republicans are no more interested in that than the Dims are passionate about ordinary people. If the Tea Party were anything but a paper tiger, it would be starting its own party now.


"If the Tea Party were anything but a paper tiger, it would be starting its own party now."

as a paper tiger yourself, you would know best I'm sure

Karl/Oxflop, you are the biggest turd in the toilet. Unwavering. Why don't you fuck off?

Jung The Foreman:

I am not sure I understand what the Michaels here are collectively saying but it sounds like:

1. The debt ceiling debate was all an elaborate show that will amount to nothing in the way of actual spending cuts.

2. It was very boring and confusing

3. This very elaborately boring and confusing show was intended to distract the masses from the recession, of which, I guess, they would have otherwise been aware.

4. Obama has assured himself of a boatshit of cash from Wall Street and his usual patrons, by fooling them into believing that this was, in fact, something other than an elaborate show

5. By playing bad guys to the hilt, the GOP has fortified Obama's chances for a second term

6. Progressives are stupid to complain about the deal since, as everyone knows, no regular people can affect political outcomes, except old people who have the power to save Medicare and Social Security from bipartisan cutting, by virtue of actually voting.

Do I have it right?

Oxdung, your shenanigans are funny. Not competent, but funny. Well, not funny, either.

If I weren't already sure you are a creep, in both sense of that word, I'd advise you to try actual thought.

As it is, for those interested in bringing SMBIVA through its captivity to trolls, the point, of course, is that Zero earned his WS money long ago. Entering into this "deficit" kabuki is simply part of the requisite behavior.

In fact, I would suggest a new thread, perhaps banning Ox (even though I don't believe in bans), on the topic of why we're so focused on the Dims...

Jung the Foreman:

Dawson, are you suggesting that I am Oxy under a different name or some other kind of troll?

What you and Michael have put across here is extremely unpersuasive. It doesn't really square with what I take to be the theoretical foundation of this site.

I mean, I was interpreting this deficit thing as one more twist of the ratchet and I think a number of people who don't fall into the agonizing liberal camp are too.

Just ignore Oxy, the way other folks ignore you, or should, when you're in frothing, despicable idiot mode, which is often.

Jung, if you arent Oxturd, then I feel sorry for you, because you think and write like Oxturd.

For starters, "what you take" to be the theoretical basis of this site is a pretty thin soup. Who the fuck are you? One assumes that even Oxflop isn't dumb enough to post like this, so you must be the uber-moron who wrote that pomo crap is cool and monkeys (and amoebas) can talk like humans.

In any event, fuck you, too.

By the way, how is it that you distinguish what's been written here from "your" view that it's another ratchet job? You stated that where?

Jung the Foreman:

Michael -

I know that you think you're being withering when you talk like this, but, trust me, you just sound like a supercilious loon. If you want to make me feel small, please do point out the part of my summary that does not correspond to something you or MJS wrote.

I don't know who the pomo monkey guy is but it's not me. I rarely visit here and write even less, since while I agree with the general skepticism, I don't really care for the culture. I stop by every now and again because MJS is occasionally witty, incisive and writes really well and some of the commenters say interesting things too. I was curious what he thought of the debt ceiling mess.

The ratchet I am talking about is MJS own concoction about the dynamic between the two wings of the War Party. For me the debt ceiling 'debate' seemed very much in line with the Dim party's function of institutionalizing that which only a few years prior constituted the inner life of the radical right.

Jung the Foreman:

"By the way, how is it that you distinguish what's been written here from "your" view that it's another ratchet job? You stated that where?"

Thanks for this single substantive, civil sentence which I am happy to answer.

I distinguish my view from what's been written here in that I am with the general consensus from extreme right (Grover Norquist) to radical left, that the deal will amount in some way to the gutting of social programs. Both you and MJS seem to discount that.

Both MJS's view of old people power seems at odds with the whole point of a duopoly, which is so that the ruling class can ram through policies that practically everyone opposes. The same goes for your assertion that the freakishly docile American citizenry needs a boring debt ceiling debate, else, they'd what, riot? Start a third party? Even if you accept that the masses need pacification, aren't there better ways than undertaking a kabuki show that actually draws attention to how little you are doing to create jobs?


Oh dear. Here we go again.

To answer at least one of Jung's rhetorical questions, I would say that Obie's commitment to hard money and austerity are quite real; so he's a perfectly acceptable candidate for most of Big Money. But then either duopoly candidate almost certainly will be, having undergone a thorough vetting process to get where they are.

Big money is likely to double down on whoever seems to be the likeliest bet, and of course there's the personal factor -- there are, after all, merit-class technocrats on Wall Street too, who probably feel more comfortable with Obie personally than with those sideshow freaks who seem to be running like shad these days among the other lot.

As for the 'budget deal' in itself, as I said, it doesn't really seem to have much meat on its big rhetorical bones. But what do I know? Somebody tell me otherwise, and tell me why. I'm very open to persuasion.


Come to think of it, lucha libre has exactly the right distinction: rudos vs. technicos.


My guess is, as MJS says, Wall St is quite comfortable with Obie and with the status quo of the Ivy meritocrat ruling over "divided" government. He really is one of them. Romney too, but is the Mormon really worth the investment when you've already got what you need, and paid for it?

Big Money loves the Baggers, to be sure...but only up to a point. To Money, the Baggers are like the high school friend from the "old neighborhood" whom the socially mobile sophisticate invites to the cocktail party. Sure, the old buddy keeps the guests entertained with his "salty" humor and hardscrabble "insights," but after the fifth Schlitz, when he starts in with the "a black, a Jew, and a lesbian" jokes...

Seriously, the Baggers serve their purpose of screaming every time someone utters the word "taxes" or "regulation." But they're not allowed in the boardroom. Not with those outfits.

One thing to add: Medicare/Soc Sec seem to me an area where voting makes a difference. All of the pols' talk of balanced budgets notwithstanding, they're terrified of cut Medi-SS for fear of intense voter backlash --- not least from the Baggers, the vast majority of whom don't want their Medi bene's touched.


That was me @10:26.


la momia must have gotten into boehner's merlot
prior to this rapsodic capitulationist
no contest fiasco
with little zion himself

not all is lost
the lamb i'm certain
got a serious
rogering by a strategically unwrapped
Imhotep III
back stage


it doesn't actually cut anything yet

with the national economy teetering

in fact
now flying dangerously near stalling speed

at least
according to the likes of

green lantern corps members

marty feldfissle
larry 'the load' summerstock


" the deal will amount... to "

"...in some way... "

" the gutting of social programs"

to combine "gutting" with "in some way"
and the unspecified "social programs" ??

the perils of the debt ceiling
is an n installment soaper

aimed at the viewership citizenry

the expected inference
all that smokeand fuss
must mean
the ceiling is important

and of course trying to cap
run away spending
by amending
a balance budget requirement
to the ever updated
protocols of Hamilton and Madison ...
is yet another such soaper
of limitless potential edifying installments

edification can be boring if the players
fail to reralize the story line
with clever bits of business


all this runs up against the science of macro economics and the right now
of the moment
bottom line dynamic interests
of our corporate guardian class

stag time ...yes

but heavens to betsy
NO double dip !!!!!


and just why
ought the laputa wizards want
to "gut"
the transfer system
that prserves
our corporate hegemons
from the pitch forks
in bad job market times ??

when the system of theirs will need a working robust transfer system
next time the corporates
set about fucking
us wage smurfs
the good earth
in the end each other
so royally
we arrive at yet another
wild unsustainable imbalance
and yet another
global asset market frenzy
culminating in
what else...
yet another credit implosion

the tax borrow and spend transfer systems of the advanced economies exist and persist
precisely because the bright side of the corporate brain
constantly rediscovers
just how useful they are

a necessary evil

the helot citizens must loathe in general
in the abstract
even as they each in their petty paultyry way
feed from it
in particular
in the concrete


" MJS's view of old people power seems at odds with the whole point of a duopoly, which is so that the ruling class can ram through policies that practically everyone opposes"

right now the task of the political system so far as the guardian class uses it

looks simple enough:

make the arbitrary policy driven
"great ldleness "
look necessary
look like the outcome of an iron necessity
that if you ignore it and defy it now
will bite you even deeper later on

hence the keystone mime troop act
diving full tilt into
the debt ceiling crisis

however there are secondary elaborations

some trim to the transfer system
some pruning perhaps and re shaping

and on the other side since unlike the votin [public
market reality "can't be faked out "
and "won't wait"
we get in the midsst of this festival of the vanishing loaves as part of o[peration stag
we get a sudden alarum
the macronics of norte amigo need some boostings to maintain the snail race and avoid a contracting process that looks more then possible otherwise

yes a contrary motion
to the the story line motion
since a far far bigger wheel
needs a contrary motion

the great ring of the nation itself
out there surrounding all of us
and of course surrounding
the washington wall street
enlinked center rings
needs a few turns to the left even as the inner rings need tpo appear to be headed for a few turns to the right

its a zig zag folks always a zig zag even when the great arc has moved us right
for 40 years or more
there are left adjustments of noticeable size
and in this instance objectively contrary

"todays lessons for the little people "



green lantern larry :

"Despite claims of spending reductions in the range of $1 trillion, the agreements reached so far are likely to have little impact on actual spending over the next decade"

mjs vindicated by a power ringer


"There will be no default;

o economy-damaging short-run austerity;

no attack on the nation’s core social protection programs or universal health care "

batting a thousand larry

"and no repeat, for at least 15 months, of the recent shabby spectacle" ooops !!!!

i'll add this just for fun

"the single largest and easiest method of deficit reduction available is the non-extension of the Bush tax cuts for upper incomes. ...Clarity on that trillion-dollar point, along with very modest entitlement reform, will be sufficient to hit current targets for deficit reduction."

had enough ?? i haven't

"..it is essential that the payroll tax cut be extended and that further measures, such as infrastructure maintenance and extension of unemployment insurance, be taken to spur demand."

this is the bright side of neo liberalism talking here

and the hysterics about gut jobs to the transfer system are just that

"very modest entitlement reform" like the chained inflation index
and other nasty little "heat it up"

that keep the frog in the pot

and regardless
no double dip

cross the atlantic and you get
n even nastier stew

ahh the complexity and the contradiction

we are no match for ourselves
maintaining the snail pace recovery


"Don’t believe it. President Obama and his advisors were playing a different game. They decided they could use a debt crisis created by Republicans to push through cuts to Social Security and Medicare in a manner that would provide the President with plausible deniability. In other words, Obama could claim “They made me do it!” while achieving what his Wall Street backers want – maintaining Global Capital’s police force on the backs of working folks, the middle class and the poorThe Obama Presidency is Global Capital’s creation and he is their man. The Obama White House has now delivered part of what Global Capital demanded: the debt/budget deal will shift more of the economic burden of empire from corporations and their owners (aka the rich or monied interests) to working people and the poor. Obama has not yet been able to raid Social Security and Medicare. But the Debt/Budget Deal holds within it the means to that end as well. Through it Social Security and Medicare can be cut and most in Congress can claim they did not vote for those cuts. I can almost hear Nancy Pelosi rhetorically wringer her hands on camera now. "

if this contains anything useful

point it out to me

if the goal is to gut the transfer system
not simply jigger the fucker
i ask you

why now ?? why not in say 1994 ???

or 2002 ???

corporates were simply waiting for the golden moment ???

thisyear in and year out
mindless rhetorical tub thumping
counter productive

why its not even wrong in any useful way

"He holds a degree in economics from Yale University. "

really ???


I keep forgetting that this is "not a kulak site". And keep thinking that events of this world relate to other events of this world. Apparently it is not so. Nothing changes. An all encompassing shadow play occurs on the world's stage(s) and the status quo distribution of power and wealth established after the flood(?) is never altered in any fashion. At some ever receding vanishing point there awaits an EVENT that will change everything all at once.

The philosophy of graveyard whistlers...


...the status quo distribution of power and wealth established after the flood(?) is never altered in any fashion.

I've read points (generous label) argued by ouchy paine suggesting tinkering with currency exchange will make real, meaningful changes.



as to dawson's spittle-casting? truth hurts.


"The philosophy of graveyard whistlers"

your level of misapprehension
takes my meager old man's breath away

no i don't remotely mean to suggest
out there in the future
beyond todays horizon
"an EVENT that will change everything all at once."

the old mole is at work 24/7

in this we can agree

and in this too

" events of this world relate
to other events of this world "

indeed and most intricately so
the causal chains exist
even if we can not "see" them

and in this i suspect we agree also

the specifics of the class ratios of power
are forever changing and mutually adjusting

Ah yes, all the usual suspects being their usual suspicious selves. It's hard to believe that when it all comes down to it we'd all be on the same side when it got down to who is gonna shoot at who.

But that's how it may turn out.

Meanwhiles... The Drunken Pundit has moved into some new digs. Ya'll folks at the honorable SMBIVA site could update your pointer to my old defunct site to this new site I got for free and everything (the one I pay for is working for a living these days supporting a high school band of all things).


I'll be back with actual content at that site shortly.


Larry is the source of reliable economic forecasting now?

The 22.5% actual un-and-under employed might think that austerity is present whether Larry believes that the "economy" will or will not be damaged as a result of the new bargain's implementation. Recall what Larry means when he uses the term "the economy". For all I can tell he thinks that the economy is doing ok right now and has always been doing ok.

Modest entitlement reform!? When the rent comes due a modest reform can put a tenant on the wrong side of "paid up" for the month... a bad place to be. The "chained inflation index" has eaten about 30% of the value of the SSB since implemented. Obama's term has seen zero cost of living adjustment to SSBs while food prices have risen. Although I am told that the cost of a digital picture of a satisfying meal delivered, the picture, that is, over the internet has declined dramatically in recent years. Larry wants to do a modest adjustment to that!?

These are kulak concerns, my concerns, and I suspect that Larry and OP have very different points of view about what ought to happen but I think that it is way too soon to assert that the 'deal' will be without effects on a large segment of the population. To so assert seems like graveyard whistling to me.

In a recent phone chat my retired military brother volunteered that he'd be willing to give up some of his modest retirement benefits if that were necessary to help the nation climb out of the current budget problems!! He may be unusual in this respect and he certainly doesn't have a political outlook one encounters around SMBIVA.. even at the fringes... He has been educated by watching MSNBC and Fox into a belief that the masters would find reassuring. THAT in itself is not nothing.


"no attack on the nation’s core social protection programs or universal health care"

The core programs were reformed under Clinton. For results in one northern state see:

What "universal health care" does old Larry mean? Did I miss something big?


"Larry is the source of reliable economic forecasting now?"
i suspect in private he's as good as the next forecaster
in public he reads faked up tea leaves
that are pure policy justifying

but here he's not forecasting anything

larry is suggesting what the nyt via mjs suggests by the loop hole graph

none of these projected expenditure cuts
are real binding cuts

they are all subject to context
they are sky hooked as presented

the fulcrum of the lever
is not placed under the bar

the base line numbers are left undetermined

this is not forecasting
this is analysis and assessment

larry's up to one thing

triggering the no sweat signal
to the responsible business community
and the hand wringing merit class

no congress is not about to trigger a second big contraction with wild spending cuts

" For all I can tell he thinks that the economy is doing ok right now "

no he's suggesting we may need more intervention to keep the snail recovery on track

yes the job market stag and the wage stag appeal to his sense of global rebalancing
but he knows effective demand requirements
right now prohibit a serious cut in uncle spending
in fact the present elements of the stimuless
may require not only an extension but some more fancy foot work by the fed
and its cousins
the ecb the boe the cbj etc


"Modest entitlement reform!? When the rent comes due a modest reform can put a tenant on the wrong side of "paid up" for the month"


on entitlement take backs

you reason like a poverty pimp here
not a ku-lak

you are telling us what we ought to know already and prolly do know already

this site is familiar with the various clinton era chizzles

"the 'deal' will be without effects on a large segment of the population."
of course not
yes the im[pact can only be negative and wide spread but it will be rolled out over time
the chizzle like clinton's index fiddle
will not sharply slap the masses in the face

like a contraction induced by big spending cuts will

"my retired military brother volunteered that he'd be willing to give up some of his modest retirement benefits if that were necessary to help the nation climb out of the current budget problems"

your brother is the target of all this theatre

he must believe citizen sacrifice
is the operative virtue here

that uncle ios tapped out and can't afford to increase expenditures thru accel;erating transfer payments and expanding tax holidays

let alone attack the trade gap by
dollar policy and perhaps a few border barrier rattlings



my kinda counter punch these days
seems to come
from an msm journalist

without a soft pink crying towel
or hot pink agenda

enough of this mauve pussy cat yowling
by one or another
bleak on black spirit

some tormented type
experiencing either
a second senile
or perpetual
arrested development
of self gratifying
self consoulitude

just a well off reporter publisher
some hard scrabble facts


spandrel theory of the human brain's
sublation of the prime ape brain

so sez carrol cox of dougville

"The human brain is probably a spandrel -- it piggy-backed on some other trait or traits rather than 'evolved' itself. It would have been useless to almost all primates, up to and including the 'first' homo sapiens. Hence nothing about human behavior can be usefully described in terms of biology'

father smiff ...your turn at the mike ???


harvey comix steps up its game

" A vote against further debt creation
is a vote to end capitalism! "


if i had a certain unwarranted contempt for davey
this piece caste it in bronze


in depth
return of momia

[de veras = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E6XB-Q0TdI&NR=1

this is your Real mummy or at least the federal districts real mummy.

father smiff ...your turn at the mike?
I been sayin' this for years. I'm glad Cousin Carroll is on the same side, and I'm amazed at how few people get it, but I'm tired of hearing the futile sound of my own voice on this subject.

I'm literally the only person I know, since our pal Deborah sailed off to see Darwin, who isn't a complete genetic determinist and objective agent of sociobiology. Talk about hegemonic ideas. Hats off to Carroll.

Fadduh Smiff on 08.03.11 at 13:07:
There's a really hilarious graphic in the New York Times, showing the idiotically elaborate series of snares and pitfalls that the two "parties" have written into this "deal" for each other's amusement.

Ouch, my head exploded.

Fadduh Smiff's characterization of TV "news" is dead-ass on the nose. As most of the regulars here know, I've had running issues over "news" with my DW, proud owner of a PoliSci degree from GWU, who regularly wakes me up with Morning Joe, and reguarly falls asleep every night watching Olbermann and Maddow.

Every once in a while on my way to/from the kitchen I'd poke my head in for a few seconds to see who's babbling about the debt ceiling "crisis", and I swear sometimes it was like watching Mean Gene Okkerlund and Vince McMahon commentating on a pro wrestling match -- in straight-faced dead earnest, as if it were something absolutely for real, even though anybody with two brain cells to rub together knows it's fake -- and the DW hung on every second of the coverage of the debt ceiling "crisis" like somebody who thinks pro wrestling is real, all the while bitching about those horrible old Rethuglicans and those mean old Teabaggers... and every time I'd ask myself, does this goddamn' woman really have a Political Science degree? And could it really be true that I -- the art school dropout -- actually have a better grip on this shit than my DW, the GWU PoliSci grad?


it doesn't actually cut anything yet

with the national economy teetering

in fact
now flying dangerously near stalling speed

at least
according to the likes of

green lantern corps members

marty feldfissle
larry 'the load' summerstock"

If GDP now means

much more or as
muchas A set of
accounting ID's


stall speed arrived
while ago as first Q
for 2011 revised to
0.4 while advance
for second Q did
a whopping 1.3

mass of profit def
growing at slower

ue stuck at high rate

cfnai falling negative

and on and on

"The ratchet I am talking about is MJS own concoction about the dynamic between the two wings of the War Party. For me the debt ceiling 'debate' seemed very much in line with the Dim party's function of institutionalizing that which only a few years prior constituted the inner life of the radical right."

Jung, this shows you don't in the least understand the ratchet effect, as theorized by MJS. The thesis is not that the Democrats will keep getting worse. It is that Democratic voters will ignore that obvious trend, on the theory that there's always something even worse.

So, the relevant point for those impressed with this thesis is not that the Democrats sold out, but that their "base" never sees the sale.

Whining about the former is a plea to the Democrats. Observing the latter is a call to boycott and transcend their ultra-sorry asses.

P.S. It remains true that very little has actually been done in this "deal," though it's an obvious surrender of the basic terms of the situation. This would be a really great moment for the Dim voters to express a clear outrage.

Alas, hand-wringing about Zerobama is all we're going to get, thanks in part to the thickheadedness of folks like you.

p p reasoner:

It is important for the purposes of proto-party development on the 'true' left that no opportunity is ever missed to draw some fine distinction that allows those of the 'most true' left to insult their 'putatively less' left cousins. Any opportunity missed only leads to boring interchanges where interlocutors risk coming, if not to agreement, to a clear recognition of each other's POV...

This phenomenon is much in evidence at SMBIVA and often leads to lively "debates".


nice clarification

but i must admit
despite a certain smug indirectness of the critical resentation
the nut of jung'froth's comment is sound enough and in agreement with the smiff
" catch it ?? ..ratchet "

pp may not see our underlying weillingness to embrace allies in substance that for whatever reasons prefer to be snidely understated then grossly hyperbolic like myself

i see no problem including the smug likes of clever kim jung in a broad frente

hardly a contucky col type like alex's pen pal

" hindrick " lind


to the rest of you curs like me

md takes this stuff to heart
would that the rest of us had less of our own home brewed brand of cynicism
and more of his deeper indignation and sincerity


"I'm literally the only person I know..."

ahh the solitude of the no longer shared view
from the mountain top

engels after karl's passing


pp raisiner:

you are a bit off on the true part
father S is far from playing the simon pure role here
quite the contrary
its the little drop of mercy humanist lesser evilism that creeps into some of us --including noam-
that be speaks a soul burnishing its
shield of shining goodness

the father fallen Adam that he is
hardly stands inside a sanitory bubble

why truth be told
he too is a leper
in unavoidable daily contact with social reality

oh the multitude of e worts and boils and blisterings he has
from his infectionarily ugly
klass kampf ravagings

pity him
this burden of pocks
that ripen on his soul
a bubonic autumn of mellow morbidity

and yet he uses his harvest of sores
like the suckers of an octopus
to take and hold his prey:
you fuckin humanist dip shits


Why thank you Owen. That's the nicest thing anybody has said about me in years.

f u dips:

QED or would be if I'd only play ball with opnonymous..


err f h dips


"the two wings of the War Party"
i think that formulation is missleading

the two wings of the imperial party comes closer

why ??

because just as gretuitous predation on the wagery is not a constantly intensifying procedure by our guardian class
war is only politics by other means
when those set of other means
we call war
"seem" prefer-able

after the recent debacles
in and around
the great oil and sand zone
that set of other means look to be on shore leave

i hasten to add
kill the buggars where they sleep
type special ops are smart war by other means
just as secret super K type diplomacy
is special ops by other means
so must the policy circle close itself
like a merry go round stage set




i like it !!!!



jodi dean
colors in
a portatit of lenin
for our time and nation

using the slavo-gallican
anti post modern
paint by roman numerials kit

all in all
helpful and charming

if one likes turneresque
suite ably framed
brilliantly cloudy social vistas

i happen to

at least
after a thick stack
of well buttered wheat cakes


looking back about 10 comments, one wonders who shaves op. he obviously can't recognize himself in the mirror.


bright cheery mornings
bring out
the' bertie wooster's tubby younger brother'
in me

edwardian rentier aplomb lives !!!

okay sans butter slides and aunt agathas
... and stately homes for that matter
.....or even a patch of good green england

come to think it all the way thru
yours truly
bertie's tubby younger brother
is a fish decidedly out
of his quondam waters
here in vero beach fla
former winter home
of the brooklyn and lately LA Dodgers

the ghouls splendors
where air conditioning and dialysis machines meet flat iron sun soaks
like this fifth wheel settlement


Dawson's a bad community theater actor, not a righteous wise cynic. A bigger phony hardly can be found.

"oh look! harold perrineau's starring on LOST!"


Praising him is vainglorious ouchy pain, patting himself on the back for dillydalidawson's PurityGuard behavior here.

If it weren't for Smith, no one would visit here. The content gets ruined by ouchy's fake-genius schtick and pseudo-perrineau's asinine self-regard.


oops... forgot:

Al Schumann's content is valuable too.



"stall speed arrived
while ago as first Q
for 2011 revised to
0.4 while advance
for second Q did
a whopping 1.3

mass of profit def
growing at slower

you are right to notice the implicit
we haven't hit stall speed ..yet

what might be our national economies
stall speed
that framing suggests an out

the stall speed of any nation depends
on more then its own rate

japan has managed to bounce back into "flight"
several times over the last two decades
prolly in part because it runs its trade balance so carefully

uncle doesn't

with an open trade flap
and no effort to up exports and down imports
stall speed gets to be higher closer
and hairy-er

but let us all marvel at the complexity
short to mid term forecasting ..including turns like re contraction
are impossible guessing

forecastingthe path produced by
any nation's economic motion
--with a degree of accuracy necessary
to be useful--
is not possible today

but you don't have to know where
your car is going if you can steer it

errr...and the lanes are wide enough


the max factor on the s and p rating hoax

"It's worth noting unless somebody already said this that Japan was ratedlower than the U.S. but could also sell debt at lower interest rates. So'the market' doesn't really give a crap about these ratings. They have someimpact on institutions with fixed rules about what they can own (e.g.,pension funds), and of course there is the political fall-out."

Karl/Oxflop, you've been remarkably consistent in your own behavior. Stupid and dishonest, too.

Comes down to faker Olympics, I'd be happy to have the crowd assess you versus me.

As for what impairs the readability of this site, again, it's either your sort or mine.

Again, I'd betcha who'd be voted off this island.

In fact, your new moniker strongly suggests you already know this, as does your FBI behavior.


call the waaaaahmbulance for pseudo-perrineau!

you're the only one taking you seriously Dawson



it's far from just the u.s.

china's sme's falling by the wayside as profits disappear, comp heats up, wages
not paid, increasing no. of small riots,
interest rates rising along with food,
energy and real estate - no giant consumer
and appears what i prefer to call over
accumulation, certainly disproportionalities.
[and more and more] [caixing, china study group, xinhua, michael pettis]

the uk 'economy has been critically dependent on private borrowing and public spending. Now that these drivers have disappeared – private borrowing has evaporated, and the era of massive public spending expansion is over – the outlook for growth is exceptionally bleak. 

Sectors which depend upon either private borrowing or public spending now account for at least 58% of economic output. ...'

German consumer appears to have stepped back [reasonable given very strong first q personal consumption], foreign orders still strong but domestic weakening as [unexpectedly] is production.
otherhand, spiegel published a negative outlook:

other areas should be added but global econ, even now, has record numbers of unemployed youth, and still moreso when including those paid $1.25/day or less.

i'm sure you know there is no recovery.



it's far from just the u.s.

china's sme's falling by the wayside as profits disappear, comp heats up, wages
not paid, increasing no. of small riots,
interest rates rising along with food,
energy and real estate - no giant consumer
and appears what i prefer to call over
accumulation, certainly disproportionalities.
[and more and more] [caixing, china study group, xinhua, michael pettis]

the uk 'economy has been critically dependent on private borrowing and public spending. Now that these drivers have disappeared – private borrowing has evaporated, and the era of massive public spending expansion is over – the outlook for growth is exceptionally bleak. 

Sectors which depend upon either private borrowing or public spending now account for at least 58% of economic output. ...'

German consumer appears to have stepped back [reasonable given very strong first q personal consumption], foreign orders still strong but domestic weakening as [unexpectedly] is production.
otherhand, spiegel published a negative outlook:

other areas should be added but global econ, even now, has record numbers of unemployed youth, and still moreso when including those paid $1.25/day or less.

i'm sure you know there is no recovery.


=============unintended double=================


on the uk i agree of course
but china maybe not
the macronauts there are ..so far as i can tell
on fast track policy path
however their marginal import rate
from the north hemi zone remains problematic at best
and at any rate not really much help to the norte amigo(NA) dom-income growth path

NA trade balance ??? but surely despite a flagging dollar
NA exports weak

as to credit drivers
since all marginal spending must be a product of foreign demand or credit funded demand
and since all three channels of borrow and spend are problematic...
all hail the snail
but contraction on the horizon or better yet already under way

hell if i know
but this is i think certain methods to counter a contraction here will be attempted
and i doubt the likes ofhoaxers
like standard and poor's
can block this move

of course the prefered means is through
the FED

but to actual increase borrowed spending
by firms here looks a bit too radical
for this FED
a huge increase in lending to small and medium firms directed and supported by the FED
but mediated by the private banking system strikes me as nearly impossible
we'd need a Fanny for firms
ie gub guarenteed loan channels of massive proportions

not sure the big corporations want this even if bypassing this option leads to contraction

the present state of the system seems to involve a nice cash fat free and easy condition among the great MNCs
and squeeze city still at the mid sized firms and of course small bizz is on shorrt credit card rations so far

the great oklahoma loan rush hasn't occured to the bigs as a prefered answer to ineffective aggregate demand

that leaves households
and here i suspect the past is tabooing that route ..for now

mortgage blitzbased AMT ing is out

increased personal loans in the midst
of a job drought
wage burst ??? ya sure

uncle's transfer system ???

WH has low hopes there
pwogs oughta have even less
at best avoiding the closing of the present tax holidays and extensions

grand bargain ??

if indeed the good imps at the WH really want relief as well as re electing
the petersonbuilt entitlement hair cuts of the future look promising

could a chain linked adjuster for SSI and some jiggering to medicare qualifying dates suffice ???

okay so what if barry's gang gets the clinton upper bracket rates restored ala
larry the louse in hios "no sweat " column apres the bongo in the congo's
debt ceiling of death
stay of execution / self vanishing big future cuts
act of election year -1


any exercise in possible/probable future policy paths
is really about what could be done
not a bad way to view what does get done eh ??

projections into the nearest futre
semm betterexercising
then the counter factuals so loathed by MJS and thomas jefferson

like alex cockburns recent
what if in 08
we elected flight deck pappy potus

in that parallel universe
AC suggests at least we'd have
an opposition with a pulse
err ....like under junior bushman !!!!

amazing how that 8 rounds went
one round of nasty threats and stun guned paralysis as the nation mobilized after 9/11
maybe two rounds of
fists of fury type
no contact anti war karate
followed by what
5 years of Dem led electoral crusades

that to alex that
looks tall in the saddle
compared to
today's blown cheeked pink faced
but whisperin' pwog pond croaking

dimes worth of difference really

struggles that effect no alteration in the guardians policy path
are like trees falling in the forest primeval

nope there is little evidence
to my eyes at least
a McCAIN Amerika
would produce anti state wisconsin
everywhere in the home land
where now if we open the back door we can here the crickets stridulating


alex wants mitt
to force the pwogs to push back
as if barry still has the mojo
to trank the pwog uprisers

if in fact mobilization only occurs when the dems are out of power
then just who is leading the mobilizations
obviously dembot cut-out-fits
now is hardly the time for a braod "democratic front"
now is the time here in red white and blue ville
for jobblers to raise hell like blacks raised hell from the mid 50's
to the mid 60's

a class mobilization might seem harder
to set in motion
then a black national mobilization in the mid 50's
but i submit
if you think so'
you really haven't got the 50's straight in your head

universal job rights strike me as a basis
for large scale support and effective action
perhaps less obvious then attacking jim crow
but this i see as a strict parallel

attack one region first
the bad bad south home
of the state based anti job site rights laws

set up hq in say charlotte nc
and declare war on the citizen council
brutish employers of dixie

under a barry admin i suspect this would have a certain federal umbrella of feeble ref ing
ala jfk
not availible under mittsky's amerika



a sunday softball for op. see him knock it our of the park!


nice link boink

this notion the limits to growth
provides a dark form of consolation
to various decent souls all to aware of their powerlessness

these goodly spirits would have us
bend the curve of our collective planetary
circular journey thru time against its present flank speed charge
global brown out

bending it back of course
toward a material steady state
a pure recycle system

frankly since a brown earth might be a good earth too

and i say this
despite agreeing with super al's warnings
that those who will suffer in the debacle unfolding
will be the usual victims
the have littles
-- them in particular
only in as much as
the have nots
live already
on the moral equivalent of a brown planet --

the best things in life ie a green planet
may be free but they reside far from
the urban sumps most have nots habitate

the kings of the road
and the near forest proles ??

do they have time and health enough
to take in a full breath of fresh air ???

what is this asthetic posing as an ethos anyway ???

Son Of Uncle Sam:


la momia must have gotten into boehner's merlot



I like talking about Boehners Buckeye wine...

Al Schumann:

I get the same sense of it as you do, Owen. The yearning for a righteous deus ex machina to punish the bad guys is sympathetic, but only up to a point. After that it becomes Malthusian hand wringing.

As Sandwichman has pointed out, the best way to green up the planet, cities included, is through the work less way. Immediate relief for labor frees up precious time, and where people have that wealth they turn to improving their habitat.


What a lovely conjunction
Two of my most favorite commentators in ajjjjjoining comment cages

Elegant Al u put the sane face on my brownkrieg blither

Spread the job hours wide and thin

Yes indeed and up up up the earned .social dividend

But without chock full employment ....jobs per head not hours ...of course
Well workless advocates come off to income squozen jobbler households
Like hyper educated and cultivated ..if not cultified weirdos

To pierce the I want I need xyz household spending syndrome md focuses on
Remains a nasty bit of chicken egg circularity


Corporal s o s

Buckeye wine used to be crank case oil
But rust belt lapse may well suggest a grape based soul lubricant
Even in that state formerly of big machines and sweating brows

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