stop them china parts !

By Owen Paine on Wednesday February 1, 2012 03:50 PM

tales of de industrialization chapter 113:
"..... The U.S. trade deficit in auto parts increased from $9.5 billion in 2000 to $31.2 billion in 2010"
...the domestic industry is threatened by Chinese practices. ..... In 2010, the U.S. auto-parts trade deficit with China reached $9.1 billion....The rapid growth of imports of subsidized and unfairly traded auto parts from China puts at risk jobs both directly and indirectly supported by the U.S. auto-parts industry.....Potential job losses in the states are significant..."


"The 10 most vulnerable states (as measured by total auto-parts industry employment as of 2009) are Michigan (249,989 jobs), Ohio (189,039 jobs), Indiana (132,769 jobs), Illinois (98,748 jobs), Tennessee (79,225 jobs), Texas (74,942 jobs), California (70,883 jobs), Kentucky (58,745 jobs), New York (58,429 jobs), and North Carolina (54,540 jobs)....... "

"The 10 most vulnerable states as measured by auto-parts employment as a share of total state employment in 2009 are Michigan (6.5 percent of total state employment), Indiana (4.8 percent), Ohio (3.7 percent), Kentucky (3.3 percent), Tennessee (3.0 percent), Alabama (2.2 percent), South Carolina (1.9 percent), Illinois (1.7 percent), Wisconsin (1.6 percent), and North Carolina (1.4 percent)."

read the whole report
it will raise hair some where on your body i promise you

Comments (1)


raise not one hair

again i was wrong

this site prefers to flex its cultural moral muscles
not look after its job class mates prospects

well above comercial considerations

how high the spirit of these
pinked up or is it blackened ?

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