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A mighty wind a-blowin'

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday March 8, 2006 12:34 PM

Another Rahm-ogram, this in connection with Bill Thomas' retirement:
[Republicans are] "sensing the winds of change blowing at gale force," as Representative Rahm Emanuel of Illinois, the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, put it. "... They have a sense of what's out there, politically, this year," said Mr. Emanuel, who predicts a Democratic wave in this fall's elections.
I bet they do have a pretty good sense of what's out there, politically -- and "wind" is certainly the right word for it.

Thomas himself got in a rather accurate shot:

Mr. Thomas, who had served 16 years under a Democratic majority, said that the Democrats simply could not accept their life in the minority, and that they viewed power as "their birthright."

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