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Something out of nothing

By Owen Paine on Wednesday March 8, 2006 12:25 PM

Catching up a little -- did anybody notice the Rahm-o-gram in last Monday's New York Times? The Gray lady of 43d Street, in her usual dog-bites-man way, was musing about the Democrats' lack of a stance on anything, and wondering solemnly whether this might augur ill for their hopes of a triumph in November. But ole Rahm spun it like a top:
Mr. Emanuel, though, said he was not worried. "What divide?" he said.

"We agree on Social Security," he continued. "We also agree on the war..."

"... which is, not more of the same."

"Skelton has a position. Murtha has a position. Levin has a position," he said of Congressional Democrats who have raised questions about the war. "But all of them have one thing in common: Staying the course is a fool's errand. O.K.? I'm happy that our party has a lot of different ideas about how to solve a problem."

If anybody could ever figure out a way to make bricks without straw -- or clay either -- it would have to be Rahm.

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