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Corn mush

By Owen Paine on Wednesday March 15, 2006 04:42 PM

This from arch-Prufrock prog David Corn -- a man turned lily-pale at the bad November vibes created by Conyers' impeachment rumbles.
Calling for impeachment -- given... most everything we know about human nature and politics -- cannot escape the obvious slap-down: impeachment is a dream; it is so far-fetched a prospect that it raises questions about the sensibility and political judgment of anyone who suggests it be adopted as a real-life goal....

Bush's approval ratings are indeed in the tank. Yet is the public clamoring for impeachment--say, in the way it clamored for port terminals that are not owned by Arabs?

Dave does allow us to have a little fun, though:
One need not champion impeachment to whack the president. Consider Senator Russell Feingold..... There is no chance that this resolution will be adopted by the Republican-controlled Senate But Feingold has taken a stand and provided a rallying point for those (in and out of the Senate) who share his belief that Bush trampled the Constitution by okaying warrantless wiretapping....
So lemme get this straight -- neither impeachment nor censure can possibly pass, but the admittedly, explicitly inoperative gesture is nevertheless preferable?

The Master gives us a little koan to ponder in this connection:

There's a realistic way to defy political realities and an unrealistic way to do so.
After dumping that bowl of eels, and with a flick of the unbowed chin, he adds
It's no sellout or surrender to recognize the difference.

Comments (4)

J. Alva Scruggs:

Corn really annoys me with this "share his belief" thing. It's not a question of belief; it's a fact. He's always had an aversion to a statement of fact, even when something is as verifiable as his name on the roster of Pajamas Media. Strategic dithering and a will to fecklessness are not the same thing as level headedness and restraint.

Wow! I haven't seen that much waffling, equivocation and outright incoherency since Richard Gere avered that he was a giraffe.


j a s:

"Strategic dithering and a will to fecklessness.... "

definition of a prufrock prog

Corn can be very decisive when he wants to be. Bring up the flag or let a few Marxists organize your march, and suddenly he's the Man of Steel. :p

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