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Ted lets us down

By Owen Paine on Tuesday March 21, 2006 09:47 PM

Ted, Ted. I love the guy -- I really do -- the disappointing youngest brother, the connoisseur of steak and Scotch and secretaries, the only fallible, deplorable, understandable halfway human being in the whole Kennedy compound. So I report with deep regret that he has shit a marshmallow on Iraq.

A few excerpts:

Our troops are in Iraq to make possible the establishment of a legitimate functioning government....

The ominous challenge we face today is to prevent Iraq from sliding deeper into the quagmire. The time bomb of civil war is ticking, and our most urgent priority is to defuse it....

The Iraqi constitution must be a fair compact between all the Iraqi people. If it is not, our intervention is doomed to keep failing....

A fundamental aspect of this process should be to disarming the militias, which Ambassador Khalilizad has rightly described as "the infrastructure of civil war." No solution can work unless the Iraqi Security Forces are loyal to the government and not to a political party or faction.

Now Ted's grades at Harvard were never much better than gentleman's 'C's' -- God bless him -- but he's smarter than this. What eager-beaver, last-ditch, hold-the-line, undercover Hillary op in his office wrote this pathetic nonsense?

Comments (3)

J. Alva Scruggs:

Ted got scared half to death when the lizard people from the DLC locked him in that special room where the hungry zombies are kept. Reanimating his brothers and making them chase him for two hours broke him forever, poor man. All Hillary has to do is give him that significant look of hers and he relives the horror.

It was only a matter of time until Teddy's mask of sanity slipped off his basset hound face. What's next? A ringing endorsement of the "Defense of Marriage" amendment?

js paine:

J Alva :

nice string of images

we need more such deeper analysis here i feel

but that St Hill ..."look"
might have an odd
weakening effect on me too

well not quite the same one ...but .....

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