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Hillary: sitting on the fence

By Owen Paine on Tuesday April 25, 2006 09:26 PM

In a recent New York Daily News interview, in which reporters described her "embracing both conservative and liberal goals," Hillary argued that U.S. borders should be secured with a .... "smart fence" before legalization begins.

Well, she always has liked walls. But the idea that it needs to be a "smart" wall is delicious, isn't it? Democrats: The Party Of Smart People.

Comments (1)

J. Alva Scruggs:

I takes a wall to keep the squirrels in the village, where they can be properly raised.

I've seen her speak. She's cursed with a face that reveals all the calculations going on. She gauges her audience coldly and is ready with a host of focus-grouped phrases if the one her team decides is best isn't quite right. MJS called her the candidate who is "not quite as bad the other soulless monster", and he's right. When she realizes the smile she rehearsed isn't the right one, that brief flicker of rage says it all.

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