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If it walks like a clown...

By Owen Paine on Wednesday May 10, 2006 01:17 PM

Hey, the people know a clown when they've seen his act.

Sure, the donks as an ahistorical, destructuralized, pureed abstraction look better than the Bush tumbleweeds -- but actual donks they've seen run over a stretch of ground.

Check the latest NY Times poll numbers:

Sure Georgie is down to 31% approval, but

The political situation has not helped some of the more prominent members of the Democratic Party. Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts.... had a lower approval rating than Mr. Bush: 26 percent, down from 40 percent in a poll conducted right after the election. And just 28 percent said they had a favorable view of Al Gore.
Who knows what evil lurks... the peeeeeople know!

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