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The Nan plan

By Owen Paine on Tuesday May 9, 2006 03:32 PM

The Washington Post reports:

If the donks recapture the House this fall, Nan Pelosi says they'll...

...quickly vote to raise the minimum wage for the first time since 1997.
Great ....late but great....
... roll back a provision in the Republicans' Medicare prescription drug benefit that prohibits the Department of Health and Human Services from negotiating prices for drugs offered under the program
Good. maybe better than good....
...vote to fully implement the recommendations of the bipartisan panel convened to shore up homeland security after Sept. 11, 2001
Clown show politics as usual.
...reinstate lapsed rules that say any tax cuts or spending increases have to be offset by spending cuts or tax increases to prevent the federal deficit from growing.
A hideous backward looking vicious monstrosity worthy of the Bourbon restoration.
...launch a series of investigations of the Bush administration, beginning with the White House's first-term energy task force and probably including the use of intelligence in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq.
Thin end of a neo-Watergate wedge -- another orgy of hypocritical self-congratulation and congressional hot air -- a theater of ham-fisted buffoonery.

Of course, so long as they aren't veto-proof in the House, or impeachment-proof in the Senate, they can shoot as much lava and brimstone at the White House as they want, knowing it's all turning into hot air long before its half way up Pennsylvania Avenue.

Meanwhile, Slate's top politico says Nan blew it by suggesting a donk house would investigate the Bush mill -- he fears she'll fire up the elephant base with such hooey. More horse-race horseshit, if you ask me. I had a visit last night from the ghost of Hunter Thompson, who says it's in the bag -- donks 221, 'pubs 214.

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