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Theater of cruelty

By Owen Paine on Tuesday May 9, 2006 09:00 PM

Sometimes we do their job for 'em.

Take this puff of sulfurous vapors at my dear darling Nan:

Rep. Nancy Pelosi... made a snarky comment on NBC over the weekend when asked about impeachment.... Pelosi reportedly said, "Democrats are not about impeachment--Democrats are about bringing the country together."

...Pelosi is in for a big surprise.

Please, little Bo-Peep -- of course she'll put Bush and company on trial in her kangaroo court. What better way to waste two years?

What possible result can this fellow expect from such proceeedings? Have we at long last no shame? Have we not even now digested the waste and folly of throwing all that energy into the crucifiction of Dick Nixon?

What did we get -- Jimmy's peckerless Truman reprise and... the Reagan Republican restoration.

And for gosh sakes -- Nixon himself, the original man from brokeback ridge -- he didn't even stay crucified. And when he made his return, it lasted hell of a lot longer than 40 days.

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