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Gore and blood

By Michael J. Smith on Monday June 5, 2006 01:53 PM

Al Gore For everybody who thought there was a new Al Gore, this just in:

"I would pursue the twin objectives of trying to withdraw our forces [from Iraq] as quickly as we possibly can, while at the same time minimizing the risk that we'll make the mess over there even worse and raise even higher the danger of civil war," Gore said.

Dismissing calls for any deadline, Gore added, "It's possible that setting a deadline could set in motion forces that would make it even worse. I think that we should analyze that very carefully. My guess is that a deadline is probably not the right approach...."

Comments (1)


quoting mr styne
from the same flounder
of his
father smiff landed:
"... these days America can only fight Vietnam, over and over: Every war is "supposed to become a quagmire, which provokes opposition and leads to American withdrawal..."

would that it were that easy and withdrawal were the corrective
beinart has in mind
that makes us exceptional empirists
but yelling

" al get with the program"
is no good
cause the viet story isn't even true about vietnam

real donks never withdraw

no al's just part
of the real de ja vu

where a responsible agent of civilization
must face
the constable's roll
and live up to its demands
no matter the personal consequences

ya sure
we'd like a fast forward thru all this
these imperial reruns do get to be same ish
but there ain't
no fast forward
only hard bloody slow slogs
btw on a liter note

another styne gemfrom flounder central

this one's
aimed at
uz geeks
playing the rerun game
and singing lustily
the skunk chorus
'uncle out now ' crap

herr styne:

'That's how the nation demonstrates its "moral virtue" --

maybe a bit heavy on the sarcasm
with the comedic
foolish part pretends to be the whole use of
'nation '

but it still
translates to this gump as :

uz indulging our

"... parochial self-absorption "

ahh damn us to hell
for our mincing
navel gazing
lilly fingered

where are the champions of yore

the egg heads
like that
rheingold knee bore guy

tweedy fellahs
with the moral kidney
to loft on
their broad mental shoulders
the earthly
burdens of empire

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on Monday June 5, 2006 01:53 PM.

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