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Gunpowder, treason, and plot

By Owen Paine on Monday June 5, 2006 06:29 PM

These seventeen Canadian fertilizer bombers strike me as slapstick relief -- like the follow-up fizzle bombers in London.

They and their Marplot scheme have all the tender earmarks (or is it hoof marks?) of a hot house rose. Maybe some are wild -- hey, maybe most are -- but there are bound to be plants among 'em -- plants with a royal Mounty seal on their behind.

So har-har, right?

But then again the story of Lee Harvey's nurturing would have been a har-har too, if he hadn't beaten the long odds and hit what he shouldn'ta been able to hit.

Comments (2)

J. Alva Scruggs:

They might have been making posion pumping vests, not bombs, and that's why the police haven't brought any charges. They're hoping to tie it in with a even bigger conspiracy and it's not, as it would appear, dangerously silly police theatre designed to excite nativist violence and take people's minds off the massacres in Iraq.

Tim D:

The Toronto Star had a really good article about this.

The whole thing was all just for show and, as many of the defendents' lawyers have pointed out, it was conducted in a way that will severely prejudice the Canadian people against them...

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