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Another one bites the big one

By Michael J. Smith on Thursday July 20, 2006 07:03 AM

I was wondering about Bernie Sanders and Lebanon. Well, this just in:
Peace activists... rallied outside the office of Rep. Bernie Sanders, I-Vermont, Wednesday night.

"We wanted to have a local response to tell, certainly Congressman Sanders and other people in the region, that we don't support our government giving money to Israel to be bombing civilians indiscriminately," said [a demonstrator].

The group criticized Sanders for his support of Israel, saying Israel had used American funding on arms used to attack Arab civilians.

Rep. Sanders was not in Burlington Wednesday night, but his staff released a statement to reporters. Sanders said his goal is to see a "two-state solution to the problem of Palestine," ... But he says as long as Hamas governs the Palestinian Authority and calls for war with Israel, "there will be no negotiations and no peace in the Middle East."

I can find no trace of this "statement" on any of Sanders' Web sites. My guess is that given the outlook of Sanders' Vermont constituency, he prefers to keep as low a profile as the Lobby will allow him on this issue.

Comments (17)

Feingold and Sanders are going to make pro-Israel statements for the media but the key is what they're actually saying behind closed doors.

For example, this guy is getting more and more uncomfortable with the pro-Israeli lobby.


But in the end, I think they best you'll see is an attempt by some of these people to seperate themselves from the more intensely fascist side of the pro-Israel lobby.

But in the end, they're going to want to act like Kissingerite "realists". Most of the progressive Democrats opposed the war in Iraq but did it in a curiously reactionary way. They argued that Bush's invasion of Iraq would hurt American interests and get Americans killed. They never argued that it was wrong. They also argued against Bush and the neocons (fake) statements that they wanted to bring Democracy to the Middle East. Arab racial and cultural inferiority is central to neocon ideology so they never had any intention of doing it but these progressive Democrats won't even go as far as Jimmy Carter and push "human rights". They all lust to be Kissinger.

So basically we have Sharon/Likud vs. Kissinger/Brezinski.

The flying spaghetti monster help us all.

js paine:

a nice distinction between
sons and daughters
of on the one hand
pat moy toy and
scoop jackson Democrats
hillary clinton
and the joes
biden bomb
and right ear lobe carter brezy brats
left earlobe
of the party types
the cy vance
carter kids
and various other
professional humanists

fearless feingold
i think shows the clay feet of the humanoids

but my guess if this killing continues he'll
start to grumble
if not growl
like a charles summner

"his conscience will demand it "

Bernie Sanders is a de facto Democrat--he is indistinguishable from the Democrats in every way that matters. Remember that Sanders voted for the resolution back in 2003 that expressed support for our troops in Iraq and for the commander-in-chief.


this is the full list



voting no

7 Dems

Kilpatrick (MI)

---- ANSWERED “PRESENT” all 4 Dems ---


---- Dems NOT VOTING 4 -

Davis (FL)
Sanchez, Loretta


Pretty much says everything that needs to be said about the Democrats.

js paine:

two front "war"

has lots of echos

but very little reality

gaza strangulation
and dumb bombing lebanon
a war ????
there are riots
more dangerous to the "authorities"

but speaking of two front fights

try the double bucket
sheep dip
the zionics are steppin into
in suzie q country

with george will
to the right of em
tom hayden to the left

their being enveloped


At least one Democrat is being honest about his time in the cesspool.

Tim D:

By the way, if anyone wants to go through the motions and send his/her members of Congress a letter, Kevin Zeese has a great one addressed to Democratic U.S. Senate hopeful Ben Cardin on his site that will supply you with plenty of ammunition. Finkelstein has had some great stuff you can quote from on his site too...

I am so fucking disgusted with the absolute refusal of most to even acknowledge, much less discuss, any historical context to this war crime and I suppose those before. The utter disregard for well established law anybody? What are we without law? Thugs.

But what to do? I'm not talking about writing shit in obscurity. I want to upset the pod people. I'm in Buffalo and I wanted to organize a 60th Anniversary King David Hotel Blast and Beer. I thought we could build a replica of the hotel and blow it up with fireworks and then maybe burn a flag or two to piss people off. Or something, I just wanted to do something. But I got Blutto, no takers (maybe it was a bad idea but I was open to suggestions) and I realized what I was suggesting was suicide. The pods would notice and make an example of us.

And thusly I feel much shame. I, the Fearless Leader no less, am reluctant to place my head on the chopping block for the quick, brutally cold, beheading that would be carried out in the name of protecting the honor of the Zionists. What's one to do?


Not John Lewis? Bleh. Guess he learned the wrong lessons from SNCC's downfall.

js paine:

this is all so deeply gratifying

the zionics nearly pull out
all the stops

marching in manhattan

forcing a cow tow
out of every senator ...

over this comparative trifle

why they order
the hand held slaughter
of hundreds at one shotblew up foreign reactor sites
assassinated droves of their favorite fiends
in the robust
early 1980's

over this act
of disgusting excessive
and butchery
they are in hysterics ???

their reigns end is near

bye bye
bye bye

not only are your salad days behind you

your sudden capitol hill
may be all too shockingly near


As I've noted before on this site (quoting an unknown genius somewhere) you can order from the Democratic menu or the Republican one, but the food comes from the same kitchen.
Expecting a "true" or "old-style" Democrat to come out of hiding and say something principled or courageous is like wishing for the Red Sox to beat the Yankees. It wont happen and it doesnt matter.
(Wait, did the RS actually beat the Yankees sometime recently? Alright, I'll go with my second point -- it didnt matter.)

The IDF is a uniter not a divider.

Who else could get Frank Lautenberg and Jerry Nadler on the same page with William Kristol and Rudy Guiliani?

"Corrupted by wealth and power, your government is like a restaurant with only one dish. They've got a set of Republican waiters on one side and a set of Democratic waiters on the other side. But no matter which set of waiters brings you the dish, the legislative grub is all prepared in the same Wall Street kitchen." -- Huey Long

js paine:

96 proof positive they build em better in buffalo

"I'm in Buffalo and I wanted to organize a 60th Anniversary King David Hotel Blast and Beer. I thought we could build a replica of the hotel and blow it up with fireworks and then maybe burn a flag or two to piss people off. Or something, I just wanted to do something. But I got Blutto, no takers ..."

not a failure

consider it conceptual politics

high inspiration

i add u to my personal
thousand points
of zionic fuck u


Thank you, Jesus (Reyes). I really butchered that quote, and I'm glad to know who really said it. Broderick Crawford, right!

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