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Lessons from south of the border

By Owen Paine on Wednesday August 2, 2006 10:34 PM

Read this account -- it shows quite plainly how a real people's party acts to rock the civil balance its way, when it thinks an election has been stolen from it by El Jefe's system.

AMLO si! Gore/Kerry -- no see.

Comments (2)

Jesus Reyes:

The way the dems rolled over on the elections and their subsequent behavior over six years you could easily assume they are following fairly explicit instructions from the "higher ups"

js paine:

jesus :
some of
the big losers
say in 04 or 00
" higher ups"

i think of
good ole
bondage bob rubin
always at the elbow of kerry

these are sporting gentlemen .....
" okay so "we" lost
the battle of the dirty tricks ....this time...well
we stole one from nixon
in 60 didn't we ??/
and hey we deposed him too in 74 ..."

for gents the line
ah till next time
has no knife blade in it

not even for their candidate

the kerrystone ???

he's jolly stiff feller
back in his senate seat

patriotic gore ???
a sudden star
on the green screen

hey AMLO
has his spots of course
he's a pol too
but his is a politics
we've not seen here
in a major national party

we've had prez elect impasse


but with the exception
of a few states in 1876
"we the people"were asked by our party leaders
to simply vote
and then sit back
and let
"the professionals"
the rest of it

they watched
the spectacle
of their sifted
choosen few
mud wrestling amongst themselves

a sport for full timers

we the people????
just fans
that best
stay off
the fuckin field of play
this south
of the rio grande mobilization
is no
elite contest
between would be king

down there
the people are prepared to decide this in the streets

audacity audacity
then more audacity

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