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I got your single digit, right here

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday September 13, 2006 02:49 PM

Here's the New York Times, pontificating a couple of days before the New York primary:
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has a primary challenger on Tuesday, Jonathan Tasini, a liberal and former union leader who has based his candidacy on opposition to the war in Iraq.

Mrs. Clinton has a huge lead, but she has still spent money on a glossy mailing pleading for a huge primary vote.

A low turnout might skew the result a bit if liberals embrace Mr. Tasini; for image, the Clinton camp wants to limit the protest vote against her to the single digits.

Of course, as we all know, Hillary got 83% and Tasini 17%, in what was characterized as "light turnout." Hillary's glossy mailing doesn't seem to have done the trick -- but then, she couldn't very well come out and say, "let's see a big mandate for war, folks!" -- now could she?

I note with some amusement that in today's coverage of the result, neither the Times nor any other outlet I have seen mentions the "single-digit" goal. Gotta love that Memory Hole.

Comments (1)

js paine:

the value of many millions of personal dollars

about 35% of the vote
if hill and hobbit are equal

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