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More GI Joe dribble...

By Michael J. Smith on Wednesday September 13, 2006 04:50 PM

... from that quavering Irish tenor of ex-military sentimentality, John Kerry:
Two years ago, I met a young man with character a lot of old men will never know. His name is Jon Soltz.

Jon is a veteran who served his country in Kosovo and Iraq.... Between Jon's tours, he worked day and night on my presidential campaign in Pennsylvania. I'll never forget what Jon said to me as I stepped off a plane back in 2004. He's told me I was the first veteran he met after he came home. Nothing anyone said to me on the campaign trail made me prouder. It was an honor to tell him something too many vets haven't heard enough: "Welcome home."

... War changes you. It makes you think about life differently. Simple things.... You live for the guys who didn't make it back....

You get the idea. All this snivelling is in aid of introducing another variation on the old "fighting Democrats" trope, called votevets.org. Here's their logo, by the way:

-- another triumph of Amurrican design.

Comments (1)

js paine:

i want to comment but i can't get
my four wheel all terrain fucker out of park

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